
How can I Help my Son or daughter quit smoking marijuana?

How can I Help my Son or daughter quit smoking marijuana?

By talking rationally and with concern your son or daughter is more likely to listen and less likely to react defensively or in anger. Be prepared to reward any improvement in behaviors. Positive change is tough, especially when friends are all “doing it” – and if they can stay off marijuana, they deserve credit and reward for doing so.

What should I do if my teenager experiences marijuana?

Don’t Panic, Do Act. You must take serious action when you find your teen experimenting with marijuana, but for the best chance of success you need to stay in control, get educated and take the steps that are going to work. Have the courage to do what’s needed, even when it gets difficult.

Should I be worried about my son smoking weed?

The kid is young, at the developing age where he may be a bit rebellious, hormones firing up and all that. A lot of kids go through this phase, and as long as it doesn’t escalate you shouldn’t be so worried. Definitely try to get him off weed and support him, maybe encourage him to get into hobbies or sports.

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Can parents deal with their child’s drug use?

But dealing with a child’s drug use, whether it is experimental or more developed, is a reality for many parents. Marijuana is often one of the main drugs of choice among teens and adolescents. Research shows that the majority of adolescents who enter drug rehab do so for marijuana abuse. Marijuana Use Among Youth

How do I talk to my son about smoking pot?

Here are some of the potential reasons that adolescents smoke pot. If you approach your son from a standpoint of curiosity and caring there is a better chance you will have a successful conversation. With that said, try not to make too many assumptions or tell him you are certain of the reasons he is smoking.

What happens when you discover your child is using marijuana?

If you discover your child is using marijuana, you may be struggling with numerous emotions. From feeling upset about your child’s substance use to experiencing a sense of guilt regarding actions you could have taken, adolescent drug abuse is a reality many parents face.