
How can I join Christianity in India?

How can I join Christianity in India?

Make contact with a local church and go about the process of getting baptized. Attend church functions and develop a relationship with local religious leaders or fellow Christians. Remember that you can also maintain some of your Hindu beliefs throughout this process, if so desired.

How can I legally convert to Christianity in India?

The Indian constitution earmarks freedom of religion as one of our fundamental rights. You can change your religion legally by making a notarized affidavit, placing a newspaper advertisement and notifying the change in the national Gazette.

What percentage of India’s population is Christian?

However, only 2.3\% of this population identify as Christian. Although Christianity has a longstanding history in India, dating all the way back to 52 AD when it is believed that the apostle Thomas arrived in India to spread the gospel, it is not a widely accepted religious practice.

Is Christianity in India facing new threats?

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Christianity in India is facing more danger than ever before. If you’ve been following the faith-based media headlines, you’ve likely heard about new challenges facing Christianity in India. But understanding today’s events can be difficult without first understanding some history.

Why should I pray for Christians in India?

Pray for Indian believers who experience both violent persecution and intense cultural pressure to return to Hinduism. Christians are in need of support and relief as they are constantly pressued, and sometimes attacked, in efforts to force them to return to their previous Hindu beliefs.

What is the history of Christianity in India?

Although Christianity has a longstanding history in India, dating all the way back to 52 AD when it is believed that the apostle Thomas arrived in India to spread the gospel, it is not a widely accepted religious practice. In fact, the persecutions of Christians in India continue to rise rapidly.