
How close does a black hole need to be to affect Earth?

How close does a black hole need to be to affect Earth?

This black hole is 6.6 times more massive than our Sun. (That means it has a lot of mass, which means it has a really strong gravitational pull – much stronger than even our Sun’s gravitational pull.) If Earth gets within about 800,000 kilometres (3.7 light seconds) of this black hole it will get pulled apart.

How long would it take for a black hole to eat the Earth?

about 10 to 15 minutes
Theoretically if there was no spin or outward pressure to take into consideration, Heile said, it would take about 10 to 15 minutes for the entire Earth to fall into the black hole.

What is on the backside of a black hole?

The backside of a black hole has to be a wonder of the world, err, universe. Einstein’s theory stated that because of how black holes warp the space fabric around them, it should be possible to see light waves ejected out of a black hole’s backside as the twisted magnetic fields act as a mirror for the black hole.

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What would happen if the Earth was next to a black hole?

The same gravitational effects that produced spaghettification would start to take effect here. The edge of the Earth closest to the black hole would feel a much stronger force than the far side. As such, the doom of the entire planet would be at hand. We would be pulled apart.

When is a black hole’s gravity too much to bear?

The exact point at which these forces become too much to bear will depend critically on the mass of a black hole. For an “ordinary” black hole that has been produced by the collapse of a high mass star, this could be several hundred kilometers away from the event horizon — the point beyond which no information can escape a black hole.

What happens to your body when you hit a black hole?

Hence, your body or any other object, such as Earth, will start to resemble spaghetti long before it hits the centre of the black hole. The exact point at which these forces become too much to bear will depend critically on the mass of a black hole.

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How far away from the event horizon is a black hole?

For an ‘ordinary’ black hole that has been produced by the collapse of a high mass star, this could be several hundred kilometres away from the event horizon – the point beyond which no information can escape a black hole.