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How did Dumbledore get the elder wand if it is unbeatable?

How did Dumbledore get the elder wand if it is unbeatable?

Put simply, Dumbledore is more skilled than Grindelwald (which he has stated in Deathly Hallows himself) hence winning the wand was possible. He beat Grindelwald and won the wand’s allegiance where the wand recognized the one who was more powerful and skilled.

Can the elder wand kill its owner?

A regular wand would not be able to destroy it’s owner as the magical power in the wand that fuels the casting of the spell comes from the owner. If the owner is dying, the wand will loose the magic with which to cast the spell. The elder wand was built without this flaw as it was built by death himself.

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What will happen in Fantastic Beasts 3?

Rowling has said that the films will cover 19 years of Wizarding World history. That will take the last one up to 1945, the year that Dumbledore defeated Grindelwald and claimed the Elder Wand from him. That was also the year that a certain Tom Riddle (the future Voldemort) graduated from Hogwarts.

Is the Elder Wand unbeatable in a duel?

The Elder Wand is absolutely not unbeatable in a duel, however. Though it is a powerful wand, the Elder Wand clearly isn’t unbeatable as its owners have been beaten several times throughout history, as Dumbledore points out.

How well do you know the Elder Wand?

Elder Wand was a mysterious instrument indeed. But how much do we really know about it? It was probably first used by Antioch Peverell In the wizard fable ‘ The Tale of the Three Brothers ’, the eldest brother was gifted a powerful wand created by Death himself.

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Is the Elder Wand the most powerful wand in Harry Potter?

The Elder Wand was indeed powerful but, despite the legend that sprang up around it, it did not make its owner unbeatable. Dumbledore was clearly the most powerful wizard in existence, and probably of all time.

Why is the deathelder wand so powerful?

Elder wand is unbeatable. Because Death itself gave it to first brother, saying that the wand will win any duels for the owner. So no matter how mediocre or powerful the owner might be, the wand will win duels. The only possible explanation that we can rely on is, unfortunately, that of Rita Skeeter’s.