
How did Nietzsche feel about religion?

How did Nietzsche feel about religion?

Nietzsche rejects the Christian God, he is not ‘anti-religious. ‘ Rather, Nietzsche is a religious thinker precisely because he adopts Schopenhauer’s analysis of religion as an intellectual construction that addresses the existential problems of pain and death, and gives authority to community-creating ethos.

What was St Augustine’s philosophy?

Throughout his work he engages with pre- and non-Christian philosophy, much of which he knew from firsthand. Platonism in particular remained a decisive ingredient of his thought. He is therefore best read as a Christian philosopher of late antiquity shaped by and in constant dialogue with the classical tradition.

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What were the reasons why Saint Augustine of Hippo wrote the rule?

The Rule of Augustine is one of the oldest monastic rules in the Church. It is short on regulations and ascetic advice because Augustine focused on getting right the foundation of community life, accepting that the details would be worked out if the essential pattern was securely in place.

What was the main idea of Saint Augustine’s The Confessions?

The unifying theme that emerges over the course of the entire work is that of redemption: Augustine sees his own painful process of returning to God as an instance of the return of the entire creation to God.

What is the nature of matter according to Nietzsche?

Matter is always moving and changing, as are ideas, knowledge, truth, and everything else. The will to power is the fundamental engine of this change. For Nietzsche, the universe is primarily made up not of facts or things but rather of wills.

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What is the Augustinian argument for the existence of God?

Augustine uses the existence of eternal truths as proof of the existence of God. Leibniz in the seventeenth century presents a similar argument. The argument starts by getting one to admit that there are eternal truths-immutable necessary truths, forced on human beings.

What does Nietzsche mean by everything is in flux?

According to Nietzsche, everything is in flux, and there is no such thing as fixed being. Matter is always moving and changing, as are ideas, knowledge, truth, and everything else. The will to power is the fundamental engine of this change. For Nietzsche, the universe is primarily made up not of facts or things but rather of wills.

What is Nietzsche’s contribution to the philosophy of morality?

One of Nietzsche’s fundamental achievements is to expose the psychological underpinnings of morality. He shows that our values are not themselves fixed and objective but rather express a certain attitude toward life.