How did Thanos get the Reality Stone from the collector?

How did Thanos get the Reality Stone from the collector?

Acquired by Thanos In 2018, Thanos traveled to Knowhere and took the Aether from the Collector, solidifying it into the Reality Stone and adding it into the Infinity Gauntlet.

Did Thanos get the Reality Stone from Gamora?

Thanos is told that he can own the stone only when he sacrifices the life of his beloved (in this case – Gamora). He finally gets the stone after he throws his daughter off the cliff, crying.

Why did Thanos love Gamora?

That’s because Gamora was the more skilled fighter, and she constantly bested her sister in combat. Gamora earned Thanos’ favor during the almost-twenty years that he raised her. As we learn in Guardians of the Galaxy Vol. 2, Thanos would make Gamora and Nebula fight one another to train.

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How did Thanos get the Reality Stone?

How did Thanos get the Reality Stone? After watching the Infinity War, there’s one thing I can’t get. How did Thanos get the Reality Stone? Gamora kills him when he has two stones, and then he appears with the Reality Stone.

Why did Thanos kill the collector?

Thanos apparently killed the Collector to get the Reality Stone in Avengers: Infinity War, but in the comics, he used a more diplomatic approach. As Nebula stated of Thanos in Avengers: Endgame, “My father is many things. A liar is not one of them.”

What Infinity Stone does Thanos throw Gamora over the cliff?

Thanos throws Gamora over a cliff and gains his fourth Infinity Stone. The green Time Stone, aka the Eye of Agamotto: The fifth Infinity Stone that Thanos claims is perhaps the most frustrating to watch him take.

How did Thanos get the Power Stone on Xandar?

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Thanos found the Power Stone on Xandar because he was aware of Ronan’s defeat at the hands of the Guardians of the Galaxy and the Nova Corps. So at best, the Power Stone had to be on Xandar, the home world of the Nova Corps. So he decimated Xandar to acquire the stone.
