How do electrons differ from holes in motion?

How do electrons differ from holes in motion?

Since holes are subjected to the stronger atomic force pulled by the nucleus than the electrons residing in the higher shells or farther shells, holes have a lower mobility. because electron effective mass is smaller than holes therefore mobility of electron is higher than holes.

Which has better mobility electrons or holes?

The electron mobilty is often greater than hole mobility because quite often, the electron effective mass is smaller than hole effective mass. The relaxation times are often of the same order of magnitude for electrons and holes and therefore, they do not make too much difference.

Do holes actually move?

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Holes are also mobile. An electron within the valence band may fill the hole, leaving another hole in its place. In this way a hole appears to move. In the presence of an electric field electrons move in one direction and holes appear to move in the opposite direction.

Which is the highest mobility?

Detailed Solution EXPLANATION: The effective mass of electrons is 9.11 × 10-31 kg. Holes being present in the valence band are closer to the nuclei and experience more attractive force and hence have a higher effective mass. So, the mobility of free electrons is higher than that of holes because electrons are lighter.

Why do Conductor not form holes?

When a covalent bond breaks, then the electrons get freed from an atom. This electron moves from the valence band to the conduction band leaving behind a vacancy. This vacancy is called a hole. Hence there is no hole current in conductors as there is an overlapping of the valence and the conduction bands.

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What is the difference between an electron and a hole?

It is due to smaller effective mass of electron as compared to that of hole. Electrons more freely, have greater drift velocity, greater mobility. The electron’s effective mass is tied to the energy of the valence band while the hole’s effective mass is tied to the conduction band of the material.

Why do holes have higher mobility than electrons?

When an electron leaves, then only a hole is created, and when another electron fills it, then only the hole moves, so in that way, both should conduct current at the same speed. Yet I’ve been told that holes have higher mobility than electrons. Please explain how that can be, I’m confused.

Why do holes form in semiconductors?

Basically holes are due to absence of electrons. In semiconductors excited electron moves from valence band to conduction band. This creates a free electron in conduction band and a hole in valence band.

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Do holes conduct current at the same speed as electrons?

When an electron leaves, then only a hole is created, and when another electron fills it, then only the hole moves, so in that way, both should conduct current at the same speed. Yet I’ve been told that holes have higher mobility than electrons.