
How do I connect with my 10 year old son?

How do I connect with my 10 year old son?

10 Ideas for Connecting With Your Kids

  1. Make a date. Set a weekly date with each child, so you are ensured some alone time with them.
  2. Read with them. I’m a big fan of this.
  3. Talk to them after work.
  4. Play “Highs and lows”.
  5. Work on a goal together.
  6. Play with them.
  7. Talk to them in the car.
  8. Have a Family Day.

How do I build a relationship with my son?

6 ways to build a healthy relationship with your son

  1. Share your stories. Avoid lecturing your son – if you do, it’s unlikely he’ll listen.
  2. Quality time is key.
  3. Separate child from behaviour.
  4. Tie privilege to responsibility.
  5. Remind him of his gifts and talents.
  6. Practice and encourage mindfulness.
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How do you deal with a selfish baby father?

Be honest with yourself and move forward. Do not allow yourself to be manipulated because of former feelings or higher financial status. Make sure you set boundaries with the child’s father and enforce them. If you are able to negotiate child support from the child’s father, make sure he honours them.

Will every man always love his baby mama?

No. not every man will always love his baby momma. Some men would like to strangle their baby momma. @mossgard : My bf is like that in front of me he gets pissed off at her and talked so much shit but baby momma says there hooking up and he wants to be a family again …he wants to strangle her but also may love her?

Is it okay if I Don’t Love my Father?

It’s ok if you don’t love your father there are no rules requiring us to love one another not one. There is no rule measuring how much someone loves. It’s not like a battery guide on a smart phone there is one fact one true fact. Your tone, your att

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What are some examples of people calling their father Daddy?

Example, When I was 5 I still called him, “daddy.” He hated it. Said it made me sound like a baby. And asked me to stop, every.single.time I forgot. Eventually, I called him “daddy” just to annoy him. I didn’t care about the things he cared about. He was very cultural, and spent his visits trying to inject culture into my life.

Do Dads feel the desire to be anything other than a father?

Ben George, pictured with his daughter Lucy, says: ‘Dads frequently experience the desire to be anything other than a father.’ Photograph: Public Domain
