
How do I fix my high pitched voice?

How do I fix my high pitched voice?

Be your own vocal coach

  1. First, make a recording of your voice. Your voice may sound different to you than it does to everyone else.
  2. Read up on vocal training.
  3. Relax your voice using vocal exercises.
  4. Practice throwing your voice.
  5. Try emulating a voice you like.

How can I reduce the pitch of my voice?

Lowering Your Voice Consciously. Start speaking from your stomach instead of your throat. Consciously lower your Adam’s apple by slowly swallowing, the last movement of a swallow before your throat goes up is the position you want. Another way is to lower the back of your tongue into your throat.

Why is my voice naturally high pitched?

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Vocal cord paralysis or vocal cord nodules or polyps can result in a high pitched voice which is also usually breathy. However, often a high pitched voice is due to the vocal cords being stretched too tightly by the failure to develop a thickening of the voice box with puberty.

What foods make your voice clear?

Best Foods

  • Water. Be sure to drink plenty of water to stay hydrated.
  • Toast and Unsalted Crackers. You can keep your voice naturally hydrated by eating toasted bread and unsalted crackers.
  • Cantaloupe. Cantaloupes and other melons are about 90\% water.
  • Warm Herbal Tea.
  • Milk.
  • Ice Cream.
  • Bacon.
  • Citrus.

Is there a way to lower the pitch of my voice?

Today, there is also a simple out patient surgical procedure that relaxes the vocal cord (type III thyroplasty) and can effectively lower one’s fundamental frequency (nomal pitch). This would only be offered to adults because of the likelihood of maturational changes in voice.

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Should I take my child to speech therapy for a high-pitched voice?

Once we are assured that this is not the sign of anything worrisome, I would not suggest therapy at an early age for a high pitched voice. This may be normal and hereditary in a child- and speech therapy is unlikely to be effective for this at an early age.

How can I Help my Child with a voice problem?

Therapy at a young age is unlikely to be successful, and likely to bring attention to the issue- and make the child feel more self conscious about his voice. If this is becoming a difficult social issue among his peers (not his parents) I would then consider speech therapy at an earlier age.

Why do I have a high pitched high pitched voice?

The problem can be from using one’s voice incorrectly- such as in a falsetto- which should respond to voice therapy. Vocal cord paralysis or vocal cord nodules or polyps can result in a high pitched voice which is also usually breathy. Comprehensive evaluation of these areas by an ear nose and throat physician should readily determine the cause.