Tips and tricks

How do I get content for my tech blog?

How do I get content for my tech blog?

How to Start a Tech Blog in 10 Steps:

  1. Decide the Focus of Your Tech Blog.
  2. Choose Your Tech Niche.
  3. Choose Your Blogging Platform.
  4. Decide Your Domain Name.
  5. Buy Your Domain Name and Hosting.
  6. Choose and Install a Theme For Your Tech Blog.
  7. Create Essential Pages & Logo.
  8. Begin Blogging.

Where can I write a technology blog?

Ones that will pay you for your articles:

  • Auth0.
  • Contentful.
  • Honeypot.
  • LogRocket.
  • SitePoint.
  • Twilio.

How much do blog writers make per article?

You can expect to pay anywhere from 6 cents a word on the low end, to as much as $3. By the Post – Some bloggers charge a flat fee for every post, usually with an agreed upon minimum word count. This arrangement sounds ideal for buyers since they know how much the end result will cost, but there are drawbacks.

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How do you write a good technology article?

How to Write an Interesting Technical Article

  1. Capture the readers’ interest as soon as possible. The commonest mistake is to write a dull first paragraph.
  2. Keep things brief.
  3. Work to a strict framework but then remove it.
  4. Periphrastic perambulations are anathema.
  5. Convey the emotion.
  6. Cite and acknowledge sources.

How do I start a successful tech blog?

Define your niche, pick an appropriate domain name, research your keywords well and make the best use of them, sync your blog with social media to drive more traffic, and add links to your tech blog.

How do you write technical content?

Writing technical content

  1. Stay relevant to the title.
  2. Keep headlines and paragraphs short and scannable.
  3. Use second person and describe actions to a user.
  4. Strive for simplicity and clarity.
  5. Provide context through embedded screenshots, videos, and GIFs.
  6. Capitalization.
  7. Headings.
  8. Ordered Lists.

What is the best blog for content writers?

The 17 Best Blogs for Content Writers. 1 1. Make a Living Writing. Make a Living Writing is a freelance writing blog headed up by Carol Tice. Carol is a prolific freelance writer with years 2 2. Nick Usborne. 3 3. Copyhacker. 4 4. Ben Settle. 5 5. Creative Revolt.

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What does a content writer do?

A content writer does many things because there are many types of freelance writing niches. Every writer specializes in different areas, bringing unique skills and experiences to the table. But you will also find plenty of overlap across the content types each writer can handle.

How do I write a tech blog?

Write your blog articles in an objective way. You’ll attract both the pros and the cons, hence you’ll benefit from the whole audience. This type of tech blog is one of the most reachable, fun and vast. There are TONS of products that can be reviewed, so why not include them in your technology blog? Start by making a list of all the devices you own.

How can I make money writing articles online?

» Blogging » Make Money Writing Articles: 37 Blogs That Pay Up To $300 For Your Guest Posts Freelance blogging is a great way to make money writing articles online because there is immense demand for awesome blog posts, always! But that doesn’t make it easy!