
How do I get rid of the sidebar on Blogger?

How do I get rid of the sidebar on Blogger?

This guide relates to pipdig Blogger Templates. Please note that you may see different settings if you are not using our templates on your blog. You can change the layout of your blog at any time.

How do I change the sidebar position in Blogger?

Click and drag an element section bar, also known as a widget, located on the right side or center of the screen to the left side of the layout above or below the Blog Posts section and then release your left mouse key to drop it into place.

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How do I reset my Blogger layout?

  1. Sign into your Blogger account.
  2. Locate the blog to which you want to make changes on your Dashboard list.
  3. Click on the orange “Customize” button under the thumbnail preview of your blog’s layout.
  4. Click on the “Remove Customizations” link at the bottom of the first row in the Template Designer.
  5. Clear advanced changes.

What is the sidebar of a blog?

A blog sidebar is a section of your blog’s layout. Sidebars are narrow columns and can appear to the left, right, or flanking the widest column in the blog layout, which is where the blog post (or blog page) content appears.

How do I change the width of my HTML template in Blogger?

  1. Go to your Blogger dashboard and click the “Options” button beside your blog title.
  2. Click the “Customize” button under the Live On Blog thumbnail.
  3. Click “Adjust Widths” on the left sidebar.
  4. Slide the “Entire Blog” to the right to make the template wider or to the left to make it smaller.
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How do I change the position of my post on Blogger?

It is also possible to reorder your blog posts by editing their publication dates, which you can do on the blogger post editing page.

  1. Hover with your mouse on the post what you will change the date.
  2. Click on the right side on Published on.
  3. Change the date.
  4. Click on the button Done.
  5. Click right above on the button Update.

How do I add a column to my Blogger template?

Included in these options are two styles of layouts with two columns.

  1. Click the “Design” tab on your Blogger dashboard.
  2. Click on the “Template Designer” option under the “Design” tab.
  3. Click on the “Layout” section from the list on the column on the left hand side of the screen.
  4. Browse through the layout options.

How do you remove HTML from blogger?

If you added the code using HTML / Javascript gadget, just delete it from Layout. If you directly added the code by editing the HTML, go to Theme > Edit HTML and delete the code you added.

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Should your blog have a sidebar?

You may not consider it important, but the email can contribute to a significant chunk of traffic to your blog/site, making a sidebar completely necessary. However, the best reason to include a sidebar is because it can contribute to better ranking on organic search engine results pages (SERPs).

How do I change the sidebar on my WordPress blog?

You can also edit the sidebar from the WordPress Dashboard. In the left-hand menu, select Appearance > Widgets, find the Sidebar section, and then give it a click to expand. You should now be able to see all the widgets that make up this particular sidebar.

How do I change the sidebar width on Blogger?