
How do I hide a friend on Facebook without unfriending them?

How do I hide a friend on Facebook without unfriending them?

To hide all of a Facebook friend’s posts, simply just go to their profile page and then hover over the button that says Following, which will be located inside of the Cover Photo. From here, click on Unfollow Kim (or whatever their name is). From now on, any of their posts will not appear in your Facebook News Feed.

How do I not let people see mutual friends?

Go to the Friends tab on your timeline (at the top: Timeline, About, Photos, Friends). Click on the pencil icon just to the top right of this friends list and select “Edit Privacy”. Change the visibility as you like.

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Should I unfriend someone from my Facebook page?

You are also aware that should you ‘unfriend’ this person he/she is liable to immediately notice, given how attentive he/she seems to be to your page. They will live. You should delete them from your friends list. This book offers the hope and reassurance you’re looking for.

Is it better to have a male friend or female friend?

A study done in “Two Plus Two: Couples and their couple friendships” found that women in relationships had an average of two male friends and five female friends. Geoffrey Greif, co-author of “Two Plus Two,” suggests that if you want to be friends with a male, it is best if he is a mutual friend of you and your husband.

Why do I confide in my friend more than my husband?

If you are confiding in your friend more than you are in your husband, you are building an emotionally intimate relationship outside of your marriage. Confiding in your friend may be a subconscious way to invite your friend to fill the needs that your husband does not.

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Is your friendship getting between you and your husband?

Another sign that your friendship is getting between you and your husband is that you start to fantasize about your friend and think about him all the time, sometimes even when you are intimate with your husband. Are You Sexually Attracted to HIm?