
How do I not let work affect my personal life?

How do I not let work affect my personal life?

7 Ways To Stop Letting Your Personal Issues Impact Your Work:

  1. Talk with your boss or employer.
  2. Don’t overshare.
  3. Take time off.
  4. Set digital boundaries.
  5. Compartmentalize.
  6. Look into your companies Employee Assistance Program (EAP).
  7. Get your emotional needs met.

How do you tell your boss you’re having personal problems?

How to talk to your boss when you need to deal with a health issue or unexpected crisis

  1. Do some research.
  2. Define your expectations.
  3. Make a date with human resources.
  4. Share only what’s applicable to your work performance.
  5. Offer specific solutions.
  6. Talk to your boss directly about the situation’s potential impact on your work.
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When your job is emotionally draining?

There is typically legitimate reason for emotional exhaustion at work. Long hours, lack of appreciation, increased work demands and job insecurity are a few factors that can cause emotional exhaustion. Identifying your own emotional exhaustion is important.

Is your job stress affecting your health?

According to CompTIA, the following symptoms are telltale signs your job stress is negatively affecting your health: [2] You need to sleep far more than normal, or you suffer from insomnia. You’ve experienced significant weight loss or weight gain. You lack energy and motivation, and you don’t feel like socializing very often.

Should you quit your job and leave chronic stress behind?

“A foolish consistency is the hobgoblin of little minds.” To be consistent in a stressful situation such as yours is to work harder, not smarter. And don’t be fooled by the word “quit” — this is about empowerment. Keep going to find out why you should quit your job and leave chronic stress behind.

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Do you let work stress spill over into your personal life?

Too often, people let stress from work spill over into their personal lives, and vice-versa. With no escape from the stress, it builds up and eventually leads to burnout — something most people need to learn to prevent. Photo courtesy of Shutterstock

How do you know if your job stress is toxic?

“People report either not being able to sleep because their mind is racing or not being able to stay asleep. They wake up in the middle of the night thinking about their to-do list.” A few restless nights is not a huge deal, but if it becomes a pattern, that may be a sign your job stress has become toxic.