
How do I stop my likes appearing on friends news feed?

How do I stop my likes appearing on friends news feed?

Log in to, go to your profile, and select More > Likes. Click the three-dot menu and select Edit the Privacy of Your Likes. Select a Page Category. In the Select Audience box, choose the level of privacy you want for the category’s like visibility.

Why do my likes appear on friends news feed?

3 Answers. The privacy of your like is dependent on the privacy of your friend’s post. if they only share the post with you, then you liking it will only appear in your friend’s activity feed/newsfeed. If they share it with a group of friends it will appear only in that group of friends’ activity feed/newsfeed.

How do I hide posted by on Facebook page?

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From your News Feed, click Pages in the left menu. Go to your Page, then click Settings in the top right corner. Click Page Transparency in the bottom left menu. Click next to Show Confirmed Page Owner to turn it off.

How do I stop someone from seeing my posts on Facebook?

Here’s How to Stop Facebook Friends From Seeing Your Posts

  1. Step 1: Go the profile of the user you’d like to add to your Restricted List.
  2. Step 2: Tap the “Friends” button under the user’s name.
  3. Step 3: Tap “Edit Friend Lists.”
  4. Step 4: Scroll to the bottom of the list, and tap “Restricted” to add a check mark to this row.

Can you turn off likes on Facebook?

To hide Likes and other reactions on posts from other accounts, tap the toggle for ‘On posts from others. ‘ To hide Likes and reactions on your own posts, so other users can’t see them, tap the toggle for ‘On your posts. ‘

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How do I make a Facebook page without anyone knowing?

You can create the new Facebook page without knowing to your present Facebook friends. Only verified Email address or mobile number is need to create a Facebook page. So you can create separate email address for your new brand and start the new Facebook page. Your friends will not get any nitfication for this new page.

How to stop your friends from seeing your activity on Facebook?

In this guide, we’re going to show you how you can stop your Facebook friends from seeing your activity, likes, and Friends list. How to Hide Your Friends List on Facebook Click on your account menu on PC or profile picture on Android. Go to Settings and Privacy. Then, select Who can see what you share.

How to hide your list of friends on Facebook?

Then select Only meto hide your list of friends. How to Hide Your Activity on Facebook Go to Settings and Privacy. Then select Who can see what you share. Hit Continueand then Nextto go to Posts and stories. You can control who can see your future posts. If you want to hide them completely, select Only me.

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Is there a way to delete your newsfeed?

There seems to be no way to delete newsfeed to limit damage in such circumstances, but I think it is possible to select your audience before you make a status update, tho not like and comments. You can only filter your own news feed. just do what i do. create an account with no friends that you use to bash businesses.

Is it possible to disable the activity log on Facebook?

As of right now it’s not possible to disable the bothersome invasion of privacy that Facebook calls the ‘Activity log’. Like you, there are things I comment on and don’t necessarily want others to see, nor is it anyone’s business, but Facebook doesn’t make the activity log ‘opt in’- it’s a default feature and there’s nothing to do about it.