
How do I view SQL generated in Tableau Desktop?

How do I view SQL generated in Tableau Desktop?

In Tableau Desktop:

  1. Navigate to the Logs folder inside the My Tableau Repository folder.
  2. By default, the My Tableau Repository can be found inside the My Documents folder on Windows or the Documents folder on a Mac.
  3. If you have a live connection to the data source, check the log.

How do I view SQL queries in tableau?

Looking at log files is harder than using Performance Recorder (PR) to look at live queries.

  1. connect live to your SQL database.
  2. switch to the tab/view you want to debug.
  3. Tableau > Help > Settings and performance > Start performance recording.
  4. Tableau > Data > [Data Source] > Refresh.

How do I view custom SQL tableau?

Did you try clicking on the “Data Source” tab? If it’s a live connection, it should show a “Custom SQL” object at the top. You can then click on that to edit the SQL.

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How do you view data in Tableau?

To see the underlying data for the entire view, in the Analysis menu, select View Data. The View Data window is displayed with similar results for viewing data for a mark, but instead it displays all of the data in use in the view.

What is VizQL in Tableau?

VizQL is a visual query language for databases. Simply put, it is the proprietary query language behind the Tableau product suite’s visual rendering. It is essentially a translator of SQL queries that traditionally return numbers and tables into an effortless visual analysis.

What is Tableau log viewer?

Tableau Log Viewer is a cross-platform tool with a simple interface that has a single purpose of making it easy to quickly glance over Tableau log files.

What is custom SQL query?

A custom query results in a custom table which in turn can be used to set up a view in the selected connection in the same way as you would do with other database tables. For example, for a Microsoft SQL Server database, you would write your custom query in the Microsoft SQL Server dialect of SQL.

Why do we use custom SQL in Tableau?

The Custom SQL functionality in Tableau enabled us to modify the default SQL query and update the table in the required manner. So, the functionality is useful in cases, when the default SQL query, bringing data from multiple tables, is not optimized one.

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How do I view raw data in Tableau?

Go to Data > > View Data. Click the empty square in the top, left corner, to the left of the first column header. Click the Copy button.

Can you view data in Tableau Reader?

Viewing the underlying data from Tableau Reader Tableau Reader does not provide the option for you to view the underlying data – However users are able to unzip the packaged workbook they receive and access the underlying data that way.

What is the difference between Tableau Desktop and Tableau Public?

The Tableau Desktop is data visualization software that lets you see and understand data in minutes. The Tableau Public is essentially a free version of Tableau visualization software. It allows you to use most of the software functions. You can create visualizations and connect to CSV, Text and Excel documents.

What is hyper Tableau?

Hyper is Tableau’s in-memory Data Engine technology optimized for fast data ingest and analytical query processing on large or complex data sets. The introduction of Hyper results in a number of changes related to extracts. Beginning in Tableau 10.5, new extracts use the . Tableau Desktop scenarios.

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How do I view SQL query results in tableau?

Select ‘View data…’ If you click the ‘Underlying’ (Tableau v9.x) or ‘Full Data’ (Tableau v10.x) tab in the resulting pop-up window, you will see the SQL for the query in the ‘Command’ field.

Is it possible to use tableau with SQL?

Maybe you want to use the SQL with SQL Workbench or a different query or business intelligence tool. However, Tableau does not make it easy to see what is happening under the hood. We have launched a code-free, zero-admin, fully automated data pipeline for Tableau to leading cloud warehouses and data lakes.

How do I create a custom SQL query in tableau?

See the Legacy Connection Alternatives document in Tableau Community for alternatives to using the legacy connection. After connecting to your data, double-click the New Custom SQL option on the Data Source page. Type or paste the query into the text box. When finished, click OK.

Where can I find the my tableau repository?

By default, the My Tableau Repository can be found inside the My Documents folder on Windows or the Documents folder on a Mac. If you have a live connection to the data source, check the log.txt and tabprotosrv.txt files.