
How do Intuitives see the world?

How do Intuitives see the world?

According to Carl Jung and the Myers-Briggs Type Inventory, there are two ways we take in the world: sensing and intuition. Intuitive processors make intuitive leaps in thinking and judgment based on patterns or associations they’ve collected and stored in their mind. They tend to see what could be.

How can sensors and Intuitives get along?

Many intuitives I’ve spoken with have similar experiences with their sensing partners. In the same way, the intuitive can help the sensing partner to see the big picture and how things will likely play out. The intuitive can offer up angles and possibilities that give the sensor a broader understanding of the world.

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Do Intuitives or sensors have better memory?

Sensors often have better memory than many intuitive type. Creativity can be found within all personality types, just in differential means.

What are sensors and intuitives?

Sensing and intuition, in the most basic terms, have to do with how you take in information. As their names imply, sensors take in information through their senses, and intuitives take in information through their intuition. Sensors use their five senses to take in information about the world around them.

How are sensors and intuitives different?

A sensor relies on his five senses the most. They think about what is happening in their immediate environment; what they can see, smell, taste, and hear. Intuitive types perceive the world less through their five senses and more through patterns and impressions.

What do Intuitives do?

An intuitive feeling makes people pause and notice small things that others might simply ignore. Their minds remain alert and focused. A hyper sense of observation means that an intuitive person can easily access the information they need when it comes to making a decision.

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How do sensors and intuitives get along?

– Sensors tend to think, speak, and do things in a linear fashion. A leads to B which leads to C. – Intuitives like to start a story or project with the “big picture” in mind and then fill in with details as necessary. As far as how these two types get along, sensors may really enjoy intuitives and vice versa.

What is the sensing/intuition dichotomy?

In Myers & Briggs’ personality typing, the Sensing/Intuition dichotomy describes how a person takes in information. Sensors pay attention to their most immediate impressions; the “raw data” that they can see, hear and touch. They create meaning out of concrete information and rely heavily on past experiences to guide their future behavior.

What do sensors like at work?

Sensors like concrete tasks and tend to pursue things in a linear sequence. At work, they will make an effort to understand expectations and like to use their proven skills to solve immediate problems. Sensors like to work on something with a clear result or product, and experience dissatisfaction with open-ended or overly abstract tasks.

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What are the characteristics of intuition?

Intuitives take a high-level view and may experience dissatisfaction when attention to detail is required. People with an Intuition preference doubt and test everything. They value innovation and imagination, and present information in a roundabout way through leaps of association and figures of speech.