How do you answer how much do you make?

How do you answer how much do you make?

Here are a few honest ways to tackle the question:

  1. Tell the truth. Be honest about what you make, but also say how much money you’d require to accept the new position.
  2. Explain what you’d like to make.
  3. Don’t say exactly what you’d like to make, but offer a salary range.
  4. Turn the question on its head.

How much money do you get from jobs?

What are Top 10 Highest Paying Cities for Full Time Jobs

City Annual Salary Weekly Pay
Gloucester, MA $60,499 $1,163
Mountain View, CA $59,097 $1,136
Lakes, AK $58,974 $1,134
San Francisco, CA $58,116 $1,118

How much of a salary should I ask for?

As a general rule of thumb, it’s usually appropriate to ask for 10\% to 20\% more than what you’re currently making. That means if you’re making $50,000 a year now, you can easily ask for $55,000 to $60,000 without seeming greedy or getting laughed at.

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How much do Professional Gamers earn from prize money?

According to data at ESportsEarnings.com, gamers ranked in the 200-500 range earn a rough average of $36,000 a year in prize money. We don’t have data on how much those players earn from salary. However, based on proportions similar to those in the section above, gamers working at that level would make about $30,000 a year in salary payments.

How much do I get paid if I have an agent?

If you have an agent, the agent gets 10\% – 20\%. And when it comes to set up, having an agent generally assures that you’re getting paid what you’re worth because agents work on your behalf for that. However, just be sure to read your contracts carefully so you understand how, when, and how much you’re getting in relation to what they’re getting.

How much money do YouTubers make?

The top 100 gamer channels on YouTube have an average of one billion views each. At about $5 per 1,000 views, that gives them earnings of about $5 million. Split over eight years that’s $625,000 per year. Of course not every gamer earns exactly this much money from exactly these five sources.

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How much do makeup artists get paid per hour?

Here is a list of makeup artist salaries by state: 1 Alabama: $33.11 per hour 2 Alaska: $26.45 per hour 3 Arizona: $16.83 per hour 4 Arkansas: $10.34 per hour 5 California: $32.44 per hour 6 Colorado: $22.99 per hour 7 Connecticut: $23.03 per hour 8 Delaware: $25.56 per hour 9 Florida: $33.97 per hour 10 Georgia: $33.76 per hour