
How do you deal with a friend who always asks for favours?

How do you deal with a friend who always asks for favours?

Open discussion can be uncomfortable, but if you wish to keep your relationship, then honesty is essential. Tell your friend that you have concerns about them always asking for favours. They might have no idea that they are repeating this behavior, and if they place equal value on your friendship will be able to discuss it with you.

How do you deal with family members asking for money?

When family members constantly ask you for money, it can be a tricky situation. The easy answer for dealing with this is to just say no. While this is great advice, for a lot of families this is hard to actually put into practice, even though it makes perfect sense, especially if they have loaned or given money to family members before.

How to stop borrowing money from family members?

1-Start saying no. This won’t be easy, but the sooner you stop loaning money to family members, the sooner they will stop asking for it. For some people, borrowing money from family is a habit and the way they learn to handle stressful situations.

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Why is it so hard to deal with family members?

In fact, family members are often the hardest to deal with, because they’re connected to us in a more complicated, intimate way.

How do you tell a friend to stop inviting you over?

If someone invites themselves over frequently, don’t expect them to magically go away without you saying something. If you’re uncomfortable with the frequent drop-ins or unexpected visits, it’s up to you to put a stop to it. Especially if you’ve been silent, your friend may think you’re happy to see them when they drop over.

Why don’t my friends invite me out more often?

If you have a packed schedule your friends may realize you won’t be able to accept most of the time when they make an invitation. Rather than inviting you out all the time, and usually getting a ‘no’, they’ve decided, without telling you, to back off and let you drop them a line when you have some space in your calendar.

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Are You the one who is always giving to your friends?

No one should be the one who is always giving, but there will be times when a friend’s needs might outweigh her investment. That leaves it up to you to decide whether it is worth your time, energy, investment in keeping the social exchange going.