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How do you deal with an evil step mother?

How do you deal with an evil step mother?

Most new stepparents want unity and harmony, but this does not seem to be the case in your situation. The hope is that women possess an innate drive to love and nurture children. Thankfully most do, so it pains me when the bad ones taint the reputation of all women who marry men with children.

How do you deal with a manipulative step parent?

If she is truly manipulative, try to do what she asks until you are out of the house. If you are on your best behavior and your dad sees that, he will begin to wonder what is up. Instead of complaining about her to him, let him see it for himself. Stay close to your dad.

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What are my responsibilities as a stepmom?

The stepmother role should be based on what’s comfortable for her, the children, and the family as a whole. Stepmothers will always share their husband with his children for the rest of their married life. Jealousy can be avoided if stepmothers realize and accept this early in the relationship.

Why does my Stepmother treat my husband so cruelly?

Because she has such a tight grip on her husband (As far as he is concerned his wife can do no wrong) the father will not believe his own children when they tell him they are being treated cruelly. The stepmother’s psychological brainwashing on her spouse works like a charm.

Should I fight with my stepmother about my feelings?

The Sugars advise. CS: By suggesting that you attempt to quell the antagonism between you and your stepmother, we aren’t saying your hurt feelings are unjustified. They are. But I don’t think fighting with your stepmother is going to resolve your sense of loss and betrayal.

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Will fighting with my Stepmother resolve my sense of loss and betrayal?

But I don’t think fighting with your stepmother is going to resolve your sense of loss and betrayal. As Steve aptly notes, your stepmother has her own problems. You can’t change her, but you can change the way you respond to her by learning how to give her less power over you.

What are the characteristics of a narcissistic stepmother?

As the months and years pass by the stepmother’s narcissistic attributes come fully to the surface. She is duplicitous in her dealings—warm, seductive, pseudo empathic with her husband and cold, critical and emotionally threatening to the children. She achieves this two faced role with great cunning.
