
How do you deal with OCD spikes?

How do you deal with OCD spikes?

25 Tips for Succeeding in Your OCD Treatment

  1. Always expect the unexpected.
  2. Be willing to accept risk.
  3. Never seek reassurance from yourself or others.
  4. Always try hard to agree with all obsessive thoughts — never analyze, question, or argue with them.
  5. Don’t waste time trying to prevent or not think your thoughts.

Can OCD obsessions change over time?

Fact: The themes of OCD symptoms can change over time. Both compulsions and obsessions can change with time. The underlying emotions—fear and anxiety—remain the same even as symptoms shift. In most cases, a person with OCD continues to experience fears across a common theme.

Why people are afraid of being naked?

They may worry about seeing others naked or being seen naked, or both. Their fear may stem from anxiety about sexuality in general, from a fear that their bodies are physically inferior, or from a fear that their nakedness leaves their bodies–and their personalities–exposed and unprotected.

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What is the best medication for OCD?

Antidepressants approved by the U.S. Food and Drug Administration (FDA) to treat OCD include:

  • Clomipramine (Anafranil) for adults and children 10 years and older.
  • Fluoxetine (Prozac) for adults and children 7 years and older.
  • Fluvoxamine for adults and children 8 years and older.
  • Paroxetine (Paxil, Pexeva) for adults only.

Do OCD obsessions go away?

Obsessive-compulsive symptoms generally wax and wane over time. Because of this, many individuals diagnosed with OCD may suspect that their OCD comes and goes or even goes away—only to return. However, as mentioned above, obsessive-compulsive traits never truly go away. Instead, they require ongoing management.

Can OCD obsessions be about anything?

People with OCD may have obsessive thoughts, worries, or concerns about moral judgment and behaviors (or “being good”). If they are religious, they may be worried about offending God or blasphemy.