
How do you email a publisher game?

How do you email a publisher game?

Here’s some more rules of thumb to follow in respect to putting an e-mail submission together.

  1. Be DESCRIPTIVE yet SUCCINCT. Tell the publisher what your game is about in as few words as possible, hitting the key points in a clear manner.
  2. Be UNIQUE.
  3. Be FOCUSED and do your RESEARCH.

How do I get my video game published?

7 Tips for Getting Your Game Published

  1. 7 Tips for Getting Your Game Published. Go to conventions.
  2. Go to conventions.
  3. Be respectful!
  4. Have a good elevator pitch.
  5. Be able to explain the core of your game in 15 minutes or less.
  6. Develop relationships and add value.
  7. Take feedback well.
  8. Don’t focus on money at first.

Where can I find a video game publisher?


  1. Financing can alleviate a lot of developer concerns, and help developers devote more full-time work to the game.
  2. If you feel a publisher is a good fit and they don’t provide financing, but you still require it, consider other routes outside of a publisher for financing.
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How do you pitch a game to a publisher?

How to Pitch Your Game

  1. The past experience of your leadership team, even if that’s just you.
  2. A one-sentence description of your game that includes the “hook” or unique selling proposition (USP).
  3. A brief synopsis of the game story.
  4. A clear description of the gameplay loop.
  5. A short list of key features.

Should you self publish your game?

Limpach believes self-publishing is a legitimate route to market, but it may be more painful to go it alone if it’s your first game. In the long term, it can be a good idea to mix both approaches depending on the project, as some games may need more support than others.

What do publishers do for video games?

Other functions usually performed by the publisher include deciding on and paying for any licenses used by the game; paying for localization; layout, printing, and possibly the writing of the user manual; and the creation of graphic design elements such as the box design.

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What are good questions to ask a game publisher?

Questions & Answers

  • Do I really need a publisher to succeed?
  • What type of games are you looking for?
  • Will you provide any creative feedback on how our game can be better?
  • Will you help with ideas on how to better monetize our game?
  • Do you accept games made with Buildbox?
  • Are you going to pay me to develop my game?

Why do game publishers need game developers?

So do game developers need publishers? The publisher covers all costs – and this is one of the key reasons why game developers enter into a contract with the publisher. At the same time, the publisher takes a share in the royalties of developers until the budget invested in the game is recaptured. What percentage do game publishers take?

What is the difference between a developer and a publisher?

As a rule, real publishers do not like experimental games and know well their audience needs. It’s not so important for publishers how unique and special your game is – it is important for them how well your game will sell. So the key difference between developer and publisher is that the developer creates the game whereas the publisher sells it.

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How much do video game publishers get paid for a game?

The size of the royalty is typically between 10 and 20\%. After the publisher has recaptured the costs, the team begins to receive the first deductions. At the same time, the publisher’s expenses for the game may not pay off if for some reason the community does not accept it.

Why do so many games get rejected from publishers?

Almost 95\% of game submissions by external developers get rejected by these publishers for similar reasons. A couple of other reasons as stated by Gamasutra, include: There are entirely too many game submissions from too many developers, to keep track of for publishers.