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How do you get rid of Harry Potter obsession?

How do you get rid of Harry Potter obsession?

The 10 Best Ways To Cope With “Harry Potter” Withdrawal

  1. Move on to a more adult fantasy series: Game Of Thrones.
  2. Start listening to grime rap music.
  3. Invite your equally obsessed friends over for some Potter drinking games.
  4. Shake up the Potter fan fiction circuit.

Are the wizards in Harry Potter Christian?

Christianity in the Wizarding World At least some wizards are known to subscribe to a form of Christianity though little concrete information is available on the subject. Wizards celebrate the two major Christian festivals, Easter and Christmas. Hallowe’en and Valentine’s Day also have Christian origins.

Does Hogwarts have religion?

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Rowling’s comment that the only religion not present at Hogwarts is Wiccan also clarifies for those who oppose the Potter series for religious reasons that the wizardry in Harry Potter is not spiritual but more practical and scientific. …

Is Harry Potter good for Christians?

The pro-Harry Potter Christians believe that the books do a good job of describing a world where good and evil are not always obvious while giving readers a hero on the “good side” fighting evil. They also applaud the virtues of compassion, loyalty, courage, and friendship present in many of the main characters.

Do the Harry Potter books have a positive biblical worldview?

Unlike other fantasy children’s stories that contain witches and the like, such as C. S. Lewis’s The Chronicles of Narnia, the Harry Potter books do not have a positive biblical worldview. The distinction between good and bad can become blurred as both the “good” and “evil” characters participate in different types witchcraft and magic.

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What are the negatives of the Harry Potter series?

While this may be considered a positive, one definite negative is that there is no higher power to answer to at all. Unlike other fantasy children’s stories that contain witches and the like, such as C. S. Lewis’s The Chronicles of Narnia, the Harry Potter books do not have a positive biblical worldview.

What does the Bible say about Harry Potter?

Philippians 4:8 says to “fill your minds with those things that are good and that deserve praise: things that are true, noble, right, pure, lovely, and honorable.” So does this mean that all Christians should avoid Harry Potter altogether?