
How do you improve hot throw in soy candles?

How do you improve hot throw in soy candles?

The Wick. It’s very important to make sure that the right size and style of wick are used, to get a good melt pool on the candle. When the wax is warm and liquid, the fragrance can evaporate easily from it, making the surrounding air full of fragrance molecules and giving a strong hot throw.

How do you make a strong scent throw in soy candles?

Add fragrance oil at 185Fº and stir gently and thoroughly with the melted wax. This is the optimal temperature for the wax and fragrance to bind in order to provide the best scent throw. Let your candles cure before test burning them.

Why does my candle have no hot throw?

Wick– Soy wax requires a hotter burning wick. This is because of the chemical bonds. These chemical bonds take more heat to break them down. No matter what type of wax you are using, always make sure that your wick size is large enough to provide ample hot scent throw, but not too large to create a fire hazard.

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Why don’t my soy candles smell strong?

If you are noticing that your candles are not producing a strong enough hot throw, you may want to lower the temperature at which you add the fragrance oil. It can be possible that some of the fragrance is burning off simply by the heat of the melted wax. Adding your fragrance at too high of a temperature will do this.

How do you get the best scent throw from soy wax melts?

Adding fragrance oil to your soy wax at the correct temperature is a critical step in the candle making process. I experimented with a number of different temperature variations, and found that for our wax (GB 464) hot/cold throw was optimal when the FO was added at 185 °F and stirred for a full two minutes.

Do soy candles smell stronger?

When you compare the scent throw of a paraffin candle to that of a soy candle, usually the scent throw is stronger in paraffin. Why? Well, on a molecular level, soy is more dense than paraffin. Because soy is more dense, it requires more heat to burn it up which can take longer for soy to release the fragrance.

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What temperature should I add fragrance oil to soy wax?

Add your fragrance at the right temp: Adding your fragrance oil when your wax is at the proper temperature will help it bind to the wax, which will help give you a stronger scent throw. It is usually recommended to add your fragrance to the wax at 180-185F for soy and paraffin wax 200-205F for palm wax.

Why is my candle not throwing scent?

How can I maximize my candle scent?

Place candles far away from air vents to maximize their scent. Pay attention to where your candle is placed in the room. If you’re setting it near a window that gets opened often, an overhead fan or air vent, all those things can affect how strong the candle smells.

Why won’t my wax melts smell strong?

If you notice that you can’t smell your wax melt very much, it might be time to change wax, or you might find that your nose has gotten used to the smell as you’ve been around it for a long period of time.

How to make soy candles for beginners?

How to Make Soy Candles: A Beginner’s Guide. 1 1. Measure the wax. With these natural soy wax flakes, I found that about 4 cups will melt down to about 2 cups. 2 2. Melt the Wax. 3 3. Check the Temperature. 4 4. Add Fragrance Oils. 5 5. Let The Wax Cool Slightly.

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What is the optimal Hot throw for candles?

Optimal hot throw comes from a proper balance of fragrance load, melt pool temperature, container design, flame temperature, and air currents in the room. Some strong candles have a fairly minimal fragrance load. The key is a well-designed delivery system to efficiently throw every molecule of fragrance in the candle. Warmers don’t have wicks.

What grade of wax do you use for your soy candles?

We use GB 464 for our soy candles, which has a maximum fragrance load of 10\% per pound of wax, although we have found it best not to overload the wax with the highest amount though. Adding too much oil can actually hurt your cold/hot throw, and cause issues with wicking (how your wick burns) and candle appearance.

What temperature should fragrance oil be added to soy wax?

Adding fragrance oil to your soy wax at the correct temperature is a critical step in the candle making process. I experimented with a number of different temperature variations, and found that for our wax (GB 464) hot/cold throw was optimal when the FO was added at 185 °F and stirred for a full two minutes.