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How do you move on when you still love her?

How do you move on when you still love her?

5 Ways to Move on From an Ex You Still Love

  1. Cut off all communication (Both direct and indirect) For the sake of your physical and mental health, this is the first thing you’ve got to do.
  2. Forgive the past.
  3. Let’s get real.
  4. Understand that it’s natural to still love your ex.
  5. Don’t forget to love you.

Should I tell my ex I still love them?

Is It A Good Idea To Tell Your Ex You Still Love Them? It’s normal to still love your ex following a breakup since they were part of your life, and telling them that you still have feelings for them can provide some closure if your ex is open to hearing your thoughts or even confesses how he or she feels.

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What to do when you still love your ex?

What to Do When You Still Love Your Ex 1. Realize it just isn’t right The hardest part of the post-breakup period is all the uncertainty and mixed emotions. 2. Time heals … sort of They say time heals all wounds but I find this to only be partially true. You can’t just… 3. Either reach out … or

Should I be upset that my ex got engaged?

If you’re feeling upset that your ex got engaged, try not to worry about it. Just because you’re sad about it doesn’t mean you’re not over them (and if you aren’t over them, that’s OK, too).

How do I get my ex boyfriend back after a breakup?

Follow the no contact rule (read more about it here). Take space. Take time for yourself. Focus on getting you to love you again instead of regaining his love. I know there is a part of you that wants to see the future – that wants to know that he’ll be in your arms once again.

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Is it easier to stay with your current girlfriend or ex girlfriend?

You might think it’s easier to stay with your current girlfriend, even if you still love your ex-girlfriend. However, your brain is lying to you. It’s trying to be risk adverse. It doesn’t want to lose the temporary security that your current girlfriend provides.