
How do you politely say bad food?

How do you politely say bad food?

A few phrases to get you started:

  1. “You know, this meal was just amazing! Thank you so much for hosting.”
  2. “Oh! My favorite part of the meal was [your favorite dish]. I’m so impressed you made that! I can never get it right.”
  3. “I really appreciate how much effort and thought you put into dinner. Thanks!”

What do you say when someone comments on your cooking?

How you accept it: “Thank you so much! You know I’ve tried to tackle this for a while. I’m so glad you like it.” And if the recipe isn’t a secret, you can add, “Let me know if you want the recipe.”

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How do you comment on someone’s cooking video?

Phrases for complimenting someone’s cooking

  1. The dish is delicious.
  2. This soup is very tasty.
  3. Great Pasta! It’s finger licking good.
  4. You’re a fantastic cook.
  5. Did you make this from scratch?
  6. You’ve got to give me the recipe for this chicken dish!
  7. The cherry pie is out of this world.
  8. This is best sandwich I ever had.

How do I complain about food?

I am highly disappointed with your service. The food was __________(Mention Problem – Unhygienic/ Sour/ not fairly cooked/ bland/ dirty/ contaminated). This was not the quality of food that I expected from your side.

How do you compliment a cook?

Phrases for complimenting someone’s cooking

  1. The lasagna is delicious.
  2. This soup is very tasty. tasty = delicious.
  3. You’re a fantastic cook.
  4. Did you make this from scratch?
  5. You’ve got to give me the recipe for this chicken dish!
  6. The cherry pie is out of this world.
  7. That was delicious.
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What is bad food quality?

Lower-quality foods include highly processed snack foods, sugar-sweetened beverages, refined (white) grains, refined sugar, fried foods, foods high in saturated and trans fats, and high-glycemic foods such as potatoes.

What to say when you don’t know what to say about cooking?

As your host gazes at you even more expectantly, waiting for your reaction, here are four helpful things to say when you just don’t know what to say about someone’s cooking. 1. “I’ve never had < insert name of food > prepared this way.”

How do you prepare to go to a place with bad food?

When you prepare to go to a place where some dishes are bad, imagine eating a little more of the good ones, perhaps, if it’s a culture where a good appetite is considered a compliment to the cook. If you are going to a place where all the food is inedible; eat before you go. Take tiny portions, eat tiny bits of them.

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How do you politely tell someone you don’t like their food?

If you feel you are incapable of eating the food, then just be honest, politely tell them you don’t enjoy it and apologise for any inconvenience you have caused. People are pretty decent at discerning a lie, and even if it upsets them, they are more likely to appreciate a respectfully presented truth.

Is it bad taste to refuse to eat food you never taste?

It’s just bad taste to refuse to eat food or drink you have never tasted unless eating it violates a tenet of your faith or causes some food allergy, addiction, or other adverse reaction. Never suggest that the food is bad. Different people have different tastes.