
How do you protect from a smear campaign?

How do you protect from a smear campaign?

Narcissism Essential Reads

  1. Don’t engage.
  2. Focus on what you can deal with, and not what you can’t.
  3. Be prepared for the narcissist to claim the victim’s role.
  4. Look forward, not back.
  5. Seek support, because there’s no gold star for going it alone.

What will you do if someone is smearing your company?

Use your platforms to speak the truth about a smear campaign and its lies. Tell your side of the story in a step-by-step manner addressing all the malicious negative points your company suffered. Be professional when discussing the falsehoods. Do not fall into the trap of “trashing” those who did you wrong.

Can you stop a narcissist from rolling out the smear campaign?

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In reality, there is nothing you can do to stop the narcissist from rolling out the smear campaign. Additionally (and I’m so sorry for the utter injustice of this), there is absolutely nothing that can be done about people listening, nor the heartbreaking fact, that some people will believe the lies. It is beyond your control.

Is your narcissist smearing you?

Your narcissist might be smearing you. Smear campaigns by narcissists often feel demoralizing and exhaustive for the victim. It may seem like things will never get better, as you will always be stuck with their manipulative tactics. Let’s get into what you need to know and how to deal with the Narcissist smear campaign.

How to start a smear campaign against a victim?

Preemptively starts the smear campaign by planting (false) seeds about the victim’s character in the minds of others 2. Begins the smear by painting himself as the devoted, loving innocent victim 3. Twist stories and spreads lies about the victim’s character, making sure to incorporate a grain of truth to appear more convincing

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Why do you engage in the narcissist’s game?

In doing so, you are actively contributing to your very own smear campaign by energising stories further! Additionally, your engagement in the narcissist’s game signals you are still available for their supply. The narc knows as long as they can elicit reactions, they retain power and control over you.