Tips and tricks

How do you read RC passages effectively?

How do you read RC passages effectively?

After reading first paragraph find the twist in the story and read 2-3 lines of 2nd paragraph to find the same. After that just read and skim through the passage and don’t bother for technical or any other details. Read last paragraph very carefully as in most cases it provides conclusion to the topic.

How do you write a summary of a cat?

Expert tips for Summary Writing questions First of all, read the paragraph actively and attentively. You are required to identify the underlying message conveyed by the author. Reread the passage/paragraph if it appears complex. While reading, try to make a mental map of the main ideas given in the passage.

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How do you do Summary and comprehension?

  1. Before answering, students need to read and grasp the passage carefully.
  2. Right tense need to be used while answering.
  3. Avoid all type of short forms or one word answers.
  4. Note making questions can be answered in bulleted form.
  5. Summary questions should be paragraph format (not too long nor too short)

How do you answer a comprehension summary?

Always answer only from what is in the passage. Any answer that cannot be supported with information written or implied in the passage should be eliminated. 3. Try to Summarize the contents of each paragraph in your own words.

What are summary questions?

What is the Summary Question?  A comprehension question where you have to derive points from a particular part of the text  The answer should be written in your own words  Word limit of 80 words should be adhered to.

How can I improve my cat’s RC?

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3 Steps to Improve Your Accuracy in Reading Comprehension for CAT

  1. Step 1: Do not attempt all questions in a Reading Comprehension passage. We are a very selfish and time starved generation.
  2. Step 2: Analyze the type of questions that you get right / wrong.
  3. Step 3: Select Reading Comprehension passages that suit you.

How can I increase my RC reading speed?

Important Tips to Improve Reading Speed

  1. Skipping the passage completely.
  2. Poriborton Method.
  3. Tracing the passage with a pen or a finger.
  4. Increasing Eye Span.
  5. Cultivating a hobby of reading extensively.
  6. Practice, Practice and Practice.

How to prepare for Cat reading comprehension section?

CAT Reading Comprehension section is to test whether the student has a reading habit or not and do they have the analyzing capability. Candidates can prepare for this section using the following preparation plan. Pick a passage from a magazine, book, newspaper or novel every day to understand your Reading Comprehension abilities.

How long should it take to complete a cat RC passage?

Tip: Monitor your time to attempt the CAT RC passages. One RC passage followed by 5-6 questions should not take more than 15 minutes to answer.

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What is reading comprehension for RC?

Reading Comprehension is an integral part of the verbal ability section of various competitive exams. Mostly candidates have two notions for RC passages either they find it uncomplicated or it is difficult to wrap their head around the question asked. Hence the article aims to provide candidates with Reading Comprehension Strategies and tips.

What is the weightage of reading comprehension in cat Varc?

From CAT VARC topics, RC i.e Reading Comprehension questions have a high weightage in the exam. Reading comprehension holds 3/4th of the sectional weightage in CAT i.e. around 24 out of 34 questions are asked from CAT reading comprehension topic . Check CAT VARC Syllabus