
How do you respond to a coffee invitation?

How do you respond to a coffee invitation?

The only polite response is to accept; refusing is tantamount to explicitly saying: “I don’t want to be your friend—now, or at any point in the future.” If you know at the moment of accepting the invite that you have no intention of following through, you should respond with the Noncommittal Commitment.

What to say when someone gives you a treat?

Phrases for Giving Gifts

  1. I got you something. I hope you like it.
  2. Look what I have for you!
  3. I thought you might like this for…
  4. Happy Birthday! [Happy Anniversary!]
  5. [Handing present to someone] Enjoy!
  6. It’s only something small, but I hope you like it.
  7. Here’s a little present for you.
  8. Guess what I bought you!

How do you respond to a drink invite?

Be honest and tell them that you are in recovery. Tell them no thank you, you are the designated driver. Say that you have an early meeting the next day or are going somewhere later that day and want to feel your best. Explain that you’re not supposed to drink while on medication.

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How do you say thank you for inviting me?


  1. #1 Thanks for inviting us to your party.
  2. #2 We appreciate being invited to your party!
  3. #3 Thank you for inviting me to your party.
  4. #4 I am thankful for being invited to your party.
  5. #5 I am excited to see you next Friday.
  6. #6 We received the invitation to your party.
  7. #7 Thank you for inviting me to your party.

How do you say yes on a coffee date?

You can say something like:

  1. “Yes, I’d love to.”
  2. “Definitely, that sounds great!”
  3. “Yes, it’s a date!”
  4. “Of course I would.”
  5. “Sure, what do you want to do?”
  6. “That sounds fun!”

How do you say thanks for the treat?

You could simply say “thanks for buying me dinner” or “thanks for the meal”. You may be thinking of the phrase “my treat”, which means “I will pay”. For example, your friend may have said “do you want to go for a meal? My treat.”

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How say thank you for invitation?

When You Arrive

  1. I appreciate the invitation.
  2. Thank you for inviting me.
  3. Thank you for having me / us.
  4. I had a wonderful time.
  5. I thoroughly enjoyed the (conference / seminar).

How do you respond when someone asks you to lunch/coffee?

If you want to go to lunch or coffee with the person that asks you say “yeah, that would be nice thanks I would love to” but if you don’t want to go you say “no, thank you.” Sure I’ll come with you! Clock: Really?

How do you ask someone to meet you for coffee?

If you don’t want to go to a cafe, but are still interested in meeting the person, here are some other options: Invite the person to meet you at your office, so you don’t spend time commuting. Make the person do some work. Schedule a group meeting and invite everyone who asks you for coffee to attend all together.

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How do you politely decline a coffee meeting?

If you decide to decline a coffee meeting, here’s what to say: Thank you for reaching out. Unfortunately, my work schedule is really full at the moment, so I’m not able to met for coffee. Are you interested in becoming a client or do you just have a quick question?” This approach works because you are not closing off all communication.

Why does this approach to meeting for coffee work?

This approach works because you are not closing off all communication. You are saying no to meeting for coffee, but you are asking a question to continue the conversation if the person is truly interested.