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How do you run LED strip lights on the ceiling?

How do you run LED strip lights on the ceiling?

Five steps to install LED strips

  1. Decide what kind of lights you want.
  2. Plan the route, locate a power source, and measure for length of strip.
  3. Check your ceiling type.
  4. Install the LEDs on the ceiling.
  5. Connect the LED strips to power.

Can you put LED strip lights on the ceiling?

You can install LED strip lights around your ceiling by measuring ceiling perimeter length, using a high-quality strip with built-in adhesive, and opting to install the strip behind a recession or coving for a beautiful, dramatic yet luxurious lighting effect.

Do I put my LED lights on the ceiling or wall?

We recommend having the lights go up your wall, but if you prefer to start the line of lights from the top of your wall, you will need LED strip clips to help hold up the power supply against the wall.

Can LED strip lights go around corners?

You can bend standard, non-waterproof LED strip tape around corners – as long as you bend them at the ‘cut’ line. Alternatively, for trickier angles, you can cut the LED strip light and solder a wire between the separate lengths to carry the power supply.

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Can I use LED strip lights around my Ceiling?

Many people are looking to use LED strip lights around their ceilings, but installation isn’t as straight forward as that. You need something for the LED strip lights to sit in. That way, the lightsource is hidden, and you’ll get a great glow effect shining onto your wall or ceiling.

How far should strip lights be from a drop down ceiling?

The design of drop-down ceilings can vary, but they’re typically suspended with a drop of around 10cm-15cm, and the same distance from the surrounding walls. When installing your strip lights, there are two options for positioning the LED tape:

How do I install LED tape on my strip lights?

When installing your strip lights, there are two options for positioning the LED tape: LED tape can be fitted horizontally, facing upwards. (fig 1) Or LED tape can be fitted vertically, facing sideways. (fig 2) fig 1 – LEDs placed horizontally

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How do you position led strip lights on the floor?

If possible, try to position your LEDs behind a lip, in order to hide the LED light source. Be careful of the floor surface that the lights are going to fall on. Shining LED strip lights onto reflective floor tiles can create a reflection, which can sometimes be less attractive than a smooth wash effect.