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How do you say hello how are you in Old English?

How do you say hello how are you in Old English?

A collection of useful phrases in Old English, the version of English that was spoken in England from about the 5th to the 11th century….Useful phrases in Old English.

English Ænglisc (Old English)
Hello (General greeting) Wes hāl (sg) Wesaþ hāle (pl) Wesaþ hāla (pl/f)
How are you? Hú meaht þú? Hu eart þú?

How do you say good night in British?

Key to abbreviations: frm = formal, inf = informal….Useful phrases in British English.

Phrase British English
Good night Good night Night night (inf) Sweet dreams Good night, sleep tight Good night, sleep tight, hope the bedbugs don’t bite

How do you say love in Old English?

10 old words for love we all need to start using again

  1. Amorevolous. Loving, affectionate.
  2. Canged. To be besotted with.
  3. Dilection. Love, affection.
  4. Druery. Courtship; gallantry; love; an object of love.
  5. Endaunt. To caress; to make much of, hold in high esteem.
  6. Exopt. To wish or desire greatly.
  7. Gefreogan.
  8. Nursle.
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How say how are you?

Ways to Ask “How Are You”

  1. How’s everything?
  2. How’s it going?
  3. How are things?
  4. What’s up?
  5. How are you doing?
  6. What’s new?
  7. You all right?
  8. How have you been?

How can I write in Old English?

Type a=,e=,i=,o=,u=,y= to add a macron: ā,ē,ī,ō,ū,ȳ

  • Type a+e for æ,and type a+e= for ǣ
  • Type d=,t=,g=,w=,s= for ð,þ,ȝ,ƿ,ſ
  • How can I learn Old English?

    To learn Old English, start by getting a textbook to help you learn about some of the special characters, pronunciation, vocabulary, sentence structure, and word forms. Next, read the Old English version of Beowulf, then look at a modern English translation for comparison.

    How can I understand Old English?

    Method 1 of 3: Teaching Yourself Old English Download Article Learn about special characters. Old English includes many of the same letters that we use today, but it also features some unusual characters. Use a textbook. A textbook on Old English can help you to learn more about the language as you read Beowulf. Start reading Beowulf. Keep a glossary available. Watch for kennings.

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    What are some Old English words?

    Old English likes double consonants following short vowels, especially if the vowel is in a stressed syllable. Examples include quell, paddock, mattock , sallow, fennel, hassock, errand, barrow, kipper, and Wiccan. A long a sound (\\ā\\) at the end of words from Old English is nearly always spelled ay as in belay.