
How do you secretly drink your parents alcohol?

How do you secretly drink your parents alcohol?

That said, if you are of legal age and live with your parents, simply put the alcohol you are drinking in a cup that will hide its appearance. You can also use breath mints or gum to hide the smell on your breath. What if you disguised your clear alcoholic beverage, like Bacardi vodka, as water and someone wants a sip?

How do you sneak vodka into your parents?

  1. Article at a Glance: It can be difficult to tell if a teen has an alcohol problem because of the many ways to hide it.
  2. Mouthwash. Storing liquor in a mouthwash bottle is one common way to hide alcohol.
  3. Shampoo Bottles. Kids may use shampoo bottles to hide alcohol.
  4. Sports Drink Bottles.
  5. Hidden Flasks.
  6. Fake Water Bottles.
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Why do parents put alcohol in the freezer?

As the temperature drops, the viscosity (thickness) of a liquid increases. That means after vodka hangs out in the freezer for awhile it has a better texture. It coats the mouth.” The same can be said for any spirit (or liquid, really). However, with that viscosity comes a tradeoff: the muting of flavors and aromas.

Does water dilute vodka?

Can you mix vodka with water? Yes, you can. However, all it will do is slightly dilute the vodka and provide you with a taller liquid. Since vodka is tasteless on its own, adding water won’t change its flavor.

Is frozen vodka safe?

While it’s true that vodka, due to its ethanol content, will get cold but won’t freeze solid above -27 degrees Celsius (-16.6 degrees Fahrenheit), keeping good vodka in the freezer will mask some of its best qualities, such as its subtle scents and flavors, Thibault warns.

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How do Russians drink vodka?

Most Russians don’t mix their vodka with anything, not with juices, sodas, or even energy drinks. According to Russians, vodka is meant to be served pure and chilled. It should be extremely cold to get the enhanced taste of it. It always has to be kept in the freezer and drank fast before it loses its chill.

Can you smell vodka on someone?

There is only one problem with this: Alcohol has no odor. Assuming the officer actually does smell an odor on the breath, what he is smelling is not ethyl alcohol but the flavoring in the beverage. A much stronger drink, such as scotch, will have a weaker odor. And vodka leaves virtually no odor at all.

Where do parents hide their liquor?

7 places to hide alcohol when your parents visit

  1. In your roommate’s stuff.
  2. In your sock drawer.
  3. In your laundry hamper.
  4. In your desk drawer, under the textbooks.
  5. In your trash can.
  6. In with your toiletries.
  7. Consume it.
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