Tips and tricks

How do you stop flipping elastic?

How do you stop flipping elastic?

After you have sewn the waistband casing, but before you feed in the elastic, add an extra row of stitching very close to the edge of the fold. Mine usually ends up about 1/16″ from the edge. The edge stitching gives a lovely finish to the waistband, as well as stopping the elastic from twisting.

How do you secure elastic in waistband?


  1. Cut Your Elastic to Fit. Following the instructions for your pattern, cut your elastic to fit the part of the body it’s going around.
  2. Pin the Ends Together.
  3. Join the Ends.
  4. Form a Square of Stitches.
  5. Divide the Elastic.
  6. Divide the Waistband Fabric.
  7. Apply the Band to the Fabric.
  8. Stitch.

How do you secure elastic in a casing?

Use a large safety pin to pull the elastic through the casing. It’s sturdier and won’t open inside the casing messing up the whole process. Use the box method to join the elastic ends (demonstrated in this tutorial) Secure your elastic by stitching through all layers in the side seams.

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How do you keep wide rubber from rolling?

Leave a little extra space in the width of the casing, and edgestitch the top edge of the waistband before you feed the elastic through. For some reason, that top row of stitching will prevent the elastic from folding over on itself when the elastic is added.

How do you store sewing elastic?

Corral your elastic with wonder clips. I use elastic a lot and save all the short bits to sew them together. I keep all my elastic in a bin in a drawer, but it’s always a big mess.

How do you fix a rolled elastic waistband?

You’re going to have to cut the waistband a little at the back of the item and then probably cut the elastic and pull it out. Then get new elastic, cut it to one inch bigger than your waist, take one end of the elastic and hook it to a safety pin and rethread the elastic into the waist band.

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What tension should I use for elastic?

Generally elastic works best when stretched 3-8\%, with 8\% only being used on the smaller parts of the garment as it’s a bit extreme, as remember the more you stretch the elastic the more stitches you are putting on that space of elastic.

How do you keep the elastic from twisting in the waistband?

After you have sewn the waistband casing, but before you feed in the elastic, add an extra row of stitching very close to the edge of the fold. Mine usually ends up about 1/16″ from the edge. The edge stitching gives a lovely finish to the waistband, as well as stopping the elastic from twisting.

How do you put a waistband on a sewing machine?

Slide the upper portion of the elastic waistband sheath under the arm of your sewing machine. Flip the foot down to secure the fabric. Run the waistband through the machine approximately one to two millimeters below the upper edge of the waistband itself. Continue around the entire circumference of the pant.

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What is the best way to sew elastic to a dress?

The second method is stitching in the ditch, after the elastic is inserted and distributed evenly around the waist. Turn the garment to the outside. Flatten the fabric so the seam is easily seen.

How do you increase the width of the waistband casing?

Depending on the width of the hem and the width of the elastic, you may need to increase the width of the hem ever so slightly for the first method. After you have sewn the waistband casing, but before you feed in the elastic, add an extra row of stitching very close to the edge of the fold.