
How do you use avail yourself in a sentence?

How do you use avail yourself in a sentence?

Mrs Foster encouraged the staff to avail themselves of the lodge’s delights. Gaining New Clients – How to avail yourself of the opening of all public contracts to businesses throughout the Community. The Sergeant availed himself of the other.

Is it correct to say avail myself?

Short answer: No, it is not. Long answer: “Avail myself of” means to “take advantage of” or “use”. Some example usages would be: Please avail yourself of the resources available from our help center.

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What is the synonym of avail?

use, make use of, take advantage of, utilize, employ. resort to, have recourse to, turn to, look to. 2’even if his arguments are correct, that cannot avail him in this case’ help, aid, assist, benefit, be of use to, be useful to, profit, be of advantage to, be of service to. toey.

What does it mean without avail?

Also, of little or no avail. Of no use or advantage, ineffective, as in All his shouting was to no avail; no one could hear him, or The life jacket was of little or no avail. This idiom uses avail in the sense of “advantage” or “assistance,” a usage dating from the mid-1400s.

Which of the following sentence is correct * 1 point he availed his opportunity he availed himself his opportunity he availed himself of his opportunity none of the above?

Answer Expert Verified The correct proposition to be filled in the blank is ‘of’. avail yourself/himself/herself/themselves/ourselves/ of something is a phrasal verb. Avail+reflexive pronoun+ of is always used together. So we shall always use ‘of’ with ‘avail’ followed by a ‘reflexive pronoun’.

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What is the opposite of availed?

Opposite of past tense for help or benefit. disavailed. dissatisfied. failed.

Is availment a real word?

noun obsolete Profit; advantage.

What’s another way to say to no avail?

What is another word for to no avail?

to no effect ineffective
futile ineffectual
inefficacious in vain
non-successful unavailing
unsuccessful useless

How do you use no avail in a sentence?

To no avail in a Sentence 🔉

  1. The football team tried to pull out a win even though they were forty points behind, but their efforts were to no avail.
  2. I tried to convince my mother to buy me the newest gaming console, but all of my reasonable begging was to no avail.

What does availeth mean?

The definition of avail is to help or give an advantage. An example of avail is for medication to improve the condition of a sick person.

What does avail mean in English?

“To no avail” is quite a common phrase. But for me it is a “posh” way of saying something. Avail (both a noun and a verb) means to be of use, to use as ones advantage, to help, assist serve, facilitate, amongst others.

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What is the meaning of availability?

The definition of availability is whether someone or something can be accessed or used. An example of availability is when a classmate can meet to discuss a project on a certain date.