Tips and tricks

How does religion affect motivation?

How does religion affect motivation?

The researchers found that religious people with stronger intrinsic religious motivation and stronger extrinsic-personal religious motivation tended to also have stronger spiritual beliefs, which in turn was associated with thinking according to higher-level actions.

Is there a necessary connection between religion motivation and human behavior?

No, it is not necessary in essence. Moral was before religion, moral is in religion, and moral is outside religion. Religion can be used by non-moral people. This does not mean religion can not help people to be more moral.

What is it called when a person is obsessed with religion?

OCD is a broad disorder that encompasses many subgroups: in the case of religious OCD (also known as scrupulosity), the person is fixated on obsessions that are based in religion and/or religious beliefs, or around beliefs concerning morality.

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Why might someone believe that religion is necessary in order for people to be motivated to behave morally?

Such groups and morality principles are all on account of religion- people are afraid of almighty God and to earn credit from him they are motivated to be moral. They have the fear that they will be otherwise driven out. I therefore feel religion is necessary in order to motivate people to behave morally.

What is the relationship between religion and moral motivation?

Any of the above would constitute good moral character. What is the relationship between religion and moral motivation? a. Religion is required to motivate us to do the right thing.

Who viewed religion as a belief in spiritual beings?

Edward Burnett Tylor
Edward Burnett Tylor defined religion as simply “the belief in spiritual beings. ” He argued, in 1871, that narrowing the definition to mean the belief in a supreme deity or judgment after death would exclude many peoples from the category of religious and thus “has the fault of identifying religion rather with …