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How far was Minas Morgul from Minas Tirith?

How far was Minas Morgul from Minas Tirith?

Russell Bateman

Hobbiton to Rivendale 500+ miles
Minas Tirith to Minas Ithil (Morgul) 50 miles
Morannon to Minas Morgul 110+ miles
Minas Tirith to Morannon 160+ miles
Minas Morgul to Barad-dur by way of the Isenmouthe nearly 200 miles

How big was the orc army at Minas Tirith?

Between 50,000–60,000 troops. (THIS IS FOR THE MOVIE ONLY) The orc force ranged from 20,000 to 30,000. Then the Haradrim were said to thrice outnumber the Rohirrim who numbered 6,000-7,000 so the forces of Harad ranged from 18,000 to 21,000. Total forces of the Morgul host: 38,000- 51,000.

How big was Sauron’s army Minas Tirith?

Battle of the Pelennor Fields
~3,000 defenders of Minas Tirith 6,000 Rohirrim reinforcements Unknown Gondor reinforcements Unknown total strength, but vast numerical superiority to Gondor’s forces 18,000 Haradrim
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How far away is Rohan from Minas Tirith?

Travel Times in Middle-earth

Departure Destination Distance
Delta of the Greyflood Minas Tirith
Tharbad Gap of Rohan 325 miles
Fords of Isen Edoras 125 miles
Edoras Minas Tirith 350 miles

What happened to Minas Morgul after the War of the Ring?

King Elessar ordered Minas Morgul to be destroyed after the War of the Ring and required the new Prince of Ithilien, the Steward Faramir, to dwell within sight of Minas Tirith in Emyn Arnen. The evil forces that had dwelt in Minas Morgul had so poisoned it that no Man could dare dwell there again for many years.

How many Orcs does Helms Deep have?

The garrison of Helm’s Deep consisted of some 1,000 men, but around 1,000 more defenders had arrived from across Rohan by the time of the battle. The enemy, Saruman’s army, consisted of at least 10,000 Orcs and men, most marching from Isengard to Helm’s Deep, and others heading to the Fords of Isen.

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How many orcs were at the battle of Helm’s Deep?

How many orcs were at the battle of the Five Armies?

Near the end of the battle, 1000-1200 Great Eagles arrive to turn the tide of the battle. More than 70,000-80,000 Orcs of Dol Guldur, 4000-5000 Goblin Mercenaries of the Misty Mountains, 800-900 Ogres, 400-500 Trolls arrive from the south.

How far apart were Gondor and Rohan?

The total distance between the two cities is approximately 340 miles.

What does Aragorn do when he comes to the Black Gate?

When Aragorn comes to the Black Gate, he calls on the Dark Lord to come forth and “atone for his evils” and depart these lands. The gate opens and the Mouth of Sauron comes out and refutes his demands in an insulting manner. Aragorn refuses to even acknowledge him and dismisses him as merely one of Sauron’s slaves angering the Mouth.

What happened to Sméagol after the war of the ring?

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Sméagol is ensnared by the Ring, and kills his friend for it. He retreats into the Misty Mountains as the Ring twists his body and mind, until he becomes the creature Gollum . Centuries later, during the War of the Ring, Gandalf leads Aragorn, Legolas, Gimli, and King Théoden to Isengard,…

Who does Aragorn fight in The Lord of the Rings?

Originally, Aragorn was going to fight Sauron, who was to appear in a bright blinding light in the form of Annatar, and then was to turn into the armored Sauron from the prologue of the first film, at which Aragorn and Sauron would begin to duel.

What happens in The Lord of the Rings Return of the King?

The Lord of the Rings: The Return of the King. The sequence of the Paths of the Dead adds a conversation between Aragorn and the King of the Dead (in the book the Dead don’t speak at all) and a scene where the companions must flee an avalanche of skulls, but leaves out the encounter with Baldor’s skeleton.