How fast would you have to be to react to a bullet?

How fast would you have to be to react to a bullet?

Even the slowest handguns shoot a bullet at 760 miles per hour, SciAm explains. Humans can react to something in about 0.2 seconds on the fast end depending on the task and if they know something is coming. But in everyday circumstances the average reaction is more like 1.5 seconds.

Can you move from a bullet?

You can move out of the way of any bullet, at any range. The question is whether you can do so at a speed and timing that is feasible to achieve, given that you are not bulletproof enough to simply ignore the bullet. Yes. You can move out of the way of any bullet, at any range.

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How much reaction time do you need to dodge a bullet?

To dodge a bullet – you probably have to be more than around 600 to 800 meters away from the gun – and react perfectly. This kind of distance is beyond the range that most people are able to hit a human sized target at – two or three times the range that a sport shooter would shoot at a deer.

Do all bullets move at the same speed?

The quick answer is that relative to you, the bullet will always travel at the same speed. In other reference frames, however, unexpected things can happen! If the gun shoots bullets at 1,000 mph, then the bullet will always move away from the gun at 1,000 mph.

How fast is the fastest bullet?

220 Swift remains the fastest commercial cartridge in the world, with a published velocity of 1,422 m/s (4,665 ft/s) using a 1.9 grams (29 gr) bullet and 2.7 grams (42 gr) of 3031 powder.

How fast do you have to be to dodge light speed?

Nothing can go faster than 3.0 x 108 meters per second (that’s 300,000,000 m/s or 1,080,000,000 km/h!). According to the laws of physics, as we approach light speed, we have to provide more and more energy to make an object move.

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How fast do you have to move to dodge light?

It takes light a hundred times as long to go 100 feet than one foot; therefore, to dodge a beam of light from 100 feet away by moving just 1 foot yourself, you only have to move one-hundredth the speed of light, not faster than it, even if you’re explicitly shown to start moving after it’s fired.

How fast does a bullet travel through the air?

A typical rifle bullet travels at about 800 meters per second. If you knew the bullet was heading towards you – let’s say you’d need to jump to one side by a half meter (about 20″)…just to be sure to be out of the way. You have to cover that half meter in the same time it takes the bullet to cover the distance to you.

Why can’t you fall to avoid a gunshot at 200 meters?

So at 200 meters – and with zero reaction time – you’re now needing about 1.5 g’s – and your muscles simply can’t do that. Because it’s faster than gravity – you can’t even fall to the ground to avoid the bullet. Of course you can’t wait around to HEAR the gunshot because the bullet is moving faster than the speed of sound.

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How long does it take to dodge a bullet?

Except for tracers, bullets coming AT you are not easily seen; in most cases human reaction time will be too short to dodge a short range bullet , although one fired from a significant distance may have a time of flight of possibly up to two seconds. If the observer sees the muzzle flash they could certainly move before the bullet arrived.

What is the reaction time of a bullet?

The fastest human reaction times, which comes from professional video game players, are about 0.12 s, which is twice the time our bullet is traveling. Even if weoved our glock back to the far edge of its range, the reaction time is the same as the bullet travel time, leaving no time to actually move.