
How is German and French different?

How is German and French different?

While German is a Germanic language, French is an Italic language. What both languages have in common is that they originally derived from the same proto language (Indo-European languages), but they split off around 1,000 BC, so German and French have had more than 3,000 years to “drift apart”.

Are French and German accents similar?

All vowel sounds common to French and Spanish exist in German as well. In fact, the entire vowel phonology of Spanish is only a subset of the French and German ones. The nasal vowel sounds are French only. French and German “r” sounds similar: La rose-die Rose (r=h).

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What are German physical characteristics?

Germans are pale, blonde, blue eyes. When you think of ‘White’, German features most likely fits this. Their face shape is somewhat rectangular, long nose, and wide eyes. They resemble Nordic facial appearance but as with every ethnicity, there are exceptions.

Which language is best French or German?

If you are mesmerized by the French culture, then you should choose the French language. You would be better able to appreciate the art, architecture, cinema, and food. But if you are a fan of engineering, analytical thinking, and scientific theories then you should choose German.

Do French understand German?

Does a French understand basic German? – Quora. French & German grammer can be compared and learned to an extent. However the words: their spellings & pronunciations are altogether different. So the French cannot understand German, exception is when they geographically closer, for example: people who live in Strasbourg …

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Is German closer to English or French?

Originally Answered: Is French closer to German or English? French is closer to English than it is to German. That’s mainly a matter of vocabulary, since English has taken a larger amount of words from French than German has, especially the Anglo-Norman French vocabulary that came in after the Norman Conquest of 1066.

What is the difference between French and German and British people?

I’m Chinese working in Switzerland, here is how I tell the difference of these three groups: French are slim, smaller and beautifully dressed up and made up. French women are gentle. 1/3 of the British people are born with red hair. Germans are tall and blonde. They do not care about their clothes and have bigger face.

Is it easy to tell a German from a British person?

Thanks for the A2A. yes it is very easy to tell German, British and French people apart, both in appearance and characteristics. Firstly the Germans all look either like that Russian boxer from Rocky IV or Einstein, even the women. They are all called either Hans or Schmidt, and their favourite food is Bratwurst and Beer.

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Do most Germans have higher cheekbones than other Europeans?

Most Germans have higher cheekbones than British and French people. Then interestingly enough you will have heard about the obvious beauty of Russian men and women.

Is it true that French people are generally darker in color?

It is true that many French people are darker, but I also have many friends in France they are blond with blue eyes. And I have German friends with dark brown hair and they have blue eyes! So you can see that “stereotypes” are stereotypes but the real world is different.