How is keeping the authors names important?

How is keeping the authors names important?

The sequence of names of the authors to an article must reflect the relative scientific or professional contribution of the authors, irrespective of their academic status.

What is the significance of the last author on a paper?

As one’s career progresses, being last author and author for correspondence signals that this is a paper from one’s Unit, he/she is the main person responsible for its contents, and a younger colleague has made major contributions to the paper, hence he/she is designated as the first author.

Is first author important?

The first author is usually the person who has made the most significant intellectual contribution to the work, in terms designing the study, acquiring and analyzing data from experiments, and writing the manuscript.

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What is the order of authors?

The most common way authors are listed is by relative contribution. The author who most substantially worked on the draft article and the underlying research becomes the first author. The others are ranked in descending order of contribution.

How do you order an author name?

As mentioned above, the most common way authors are listed is by relative contribution. The author who most substantially worked on the draft article and the underlying research becomes the first author. The others are ranked in descending order of contribution.

What is the correct order of authors names in an article?

The sequence of names of the authors to an article must reflect the relative scientific or professional contribution of the authors, irrespective of their academic status. The general rule is that the name of the principal contributor should come first, with subsequent names in order of decreasing contribution.

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Does the Order of authors matter in a research paper?

In my field (economics) there order of authors doesn’t matter, hence in 99\% cases the authors are listed in alphabetical order. In Engineering mostly the first authors are the ones contributed the most, after the second or third author, the order does not really matter.

What are the implications of author order in a citation?

The following are some notable implications regarding author order. The “first author” is a coveted position because of the increased visibility. This author is the first name readers will see, and because of various citation rules, the first author may be the only name visible.

What is the importance of the first author of a paper?

The importance of the first author is reflected in the common practice of referring to a paper by the first author’s name e.g. ‘Jones et al. report that…’ Publishing a paper as the first author is very crucial for the scientific career of a Ph.D. student.