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How is life with a career driven woman?

How is life with a career driven woman?

Career-driven women are hard-working and leave no stone unturned in bringing about their success. Be it a new job or an important project, with their dedication and hard-work, they make it all sail smoothly. This quality helps them stay on top of their game, all the time.

What kind of woman makes the best wife?

20 Best qualities of a good wife

  • Caring and compassionate. A good wife exhibits both care and compassion.
  • Sensitive of the little things.
  • Spends quality time with her husband.
  • Encourages her husband.
  • Respects her husband.
  • Puts her family first.
  • Husband’s best friend and lover.
  • A good problem-solver.

Should you marry a woman with a career?

Guys: A word of advice. Marry pretty women or ugly ones. Short ones or tall ones. Blondes or brunettes. Just, whatever you do, don’t marry a woman with a career. Why? Because if many social scientists are to be believed, you run a higher risk of having a rocky marriage.

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Are women with similar jobs more likely to get married?

A woman with a job in Industrial Production, such as tool setters and metal furnace operators, are married to others in industry more than a quarter of the time. In contrast, women in Personal Care and Appearance jobs, like childcare workers and hair stylists, are quite unlikely to have a partner with a similar profession (only 4\% of the time).

Is it OK for a woman to earn more money?

And deep down most people don’t feel it’s OK for her to earn more ( Bertrand, 2013 ). That attitude translates into numbers, as statistics show that men tend to marry women who make less (or women marry men who make more if you prefer). Women like ambitious men, but men don’t award ambitious women any more points ( Townsend, Wasserman, 1998 ).

What is the likelihood of marrying within your profession?

The likelihood of marrying within your profession varies substantially by gender. For instance, Construction couples are relatively unlikely because there are so few women in this occupation group, but for women in Construction the probability of having a husband who works in construction is extremely high.