
How long after appendix surgery can you play sports?

How long after appendix surgery can you play sports?

Activity. Your child may begin normal activities one week after surgery except for weight lifting (lifting more than 10 pounds) and competitive sports. He or she can begin weight lifting and competitive sports 3 weeks after surgery.

Can I exercise after appendix surgery?

prevent breathing problems • help your blood move around your body • prevent constipation Page 3 At home, you can do moderate exercise like walking. Do not do any heavy lifting for 2 weeks after laparoscopic surgery or 4 to 6 weeks after open surgery. Heavy lifting is lifting more than 4 kilograms or 10 pounds.

How soon after appendectomy can I run?

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The patient is alerted to over-activity by pain in the scar, and as a result the advice given by most surgeons, for their own as much as the patient’s safety, is not to exercise for six weeks. Depending on the amount of pressure under which the scar is put, some people are able to exercise successfully earlier.

What exercises can I do after an appendectomy?

The best exercise after surgery is walking and this will start on the first day after your operation. The nursing or physiotherapy staff will help you until you can walk safely by yourself. Once you can do so, you will be responsible for walking regularly and increasing the distance that you can go.

Can I do sit ups after appendix surgery?

For 4 to 8 weeks after your surgery, or until your doctor tells you otherwise, do not lift, pull, or push anything that weighs more than 10 pounds. Do not perform any movement or exercises that use your abdominal muscles, such as sitting straight up from a lying position.

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How do you stay fit after an appendectomy?


  1. Rest when you feel tired.
  2. Try to walk each day.
  3. For about 2 weeks, avoid lifting anything that would make you strain.
  4. Avoid strenuous activities, such as bicycle riding, jogging, weight lifting, or aerobic exercise, until your doctor says it is okay.

When can I return to sports after laparoscopic appendectomy?

Returning to sports after laparoscopic appendectomy. Our surgeon recommended to us that he take 4 weeks off due to the fact that the abdominal wall must repair and strengthen to reduce the risk of hernias developing. As much as this frustrates my son we have decided to follow his recommendations so as not to risk further surgery in future.

Can I exercise after appendicitis?

When you do begin exercising, make sure to start slowly, with low-intensity activities such as walking, and gradually increase the intensity. Appendectomy is an effective treatment for appendicitis and most patients resume their normal lives without any symptoms. You can resume your normal diet as soon as possible.

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What to eat after appendectomy surgery?

Appendix surgery is performed to cure this condition and it is important to follow the instructions of your surgeon regarding foods to eat after appendix surgery. Certain foods can speed up the recovery and help in healing process. 1. Start with Liquids and Light Foods

Can I eat squash after appendix surgery?

Make sure that squash is pureed or cooked properly for easy digestion. You can also have other foods rich in beta carotenes like carrots and leafy green vegetables. Make sure that they are soft and properly cooked. Yogurt should also be included in your list of what to eat after appendix surgery.