How long of a book is The Great Gatsby?

How long of a book is The Great Gatsby?

The Great Gatsby, by F. Scott Fitzgerald (47,094 words): This slim tome is regularly cited by critics as the best American novel ever written.

Is The Great Gatsby a short book?

It’s a short novel, just nine chapters, each built around a party scene — though the final “party” is, of course, a funeral. “The Great Gatsby,” however, didn’t sell well. Few literary critics registered that there was something special about the book.

Is The Great Gatsby an easy read?

Is The Great Gatsby hard to understand? Not at all. It is a very enjoyable and straightforward read. It is also highly nuanced.

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Can you read The Great Gatsby in one day?

The Great Gatsby and A Wrinkle in Time will both take you less than three hours. Some books, like Jonathan Swift’s Gulliver’s Travels, will require a slightly longer commitment (six hours), and some, like Gone With the Wind, will require almost an entire day to read.

How long does it take to read 100 pages?

Reading Time by Page Counts

Word Count Slow (125 wpm) Average (300 wpm)
25 pages 1.7 hours 41.7 minutes
50 pages 3.3 hours 1.4 hours
100 pages 6.7 hours 2.8 hours
250 pages 16.7 hours 6.9 hours

How many pages is 1984 George Orwell?

Nineteen Eighty-Four/Page count

Is ‘the Great Gatsby’ a good book?

The Great Gatsby is probably F. Scott Fitzgerald’s greatest novel–a book that offers damning and insightful views of the American nouveau riche in the 1920s. The Great Gatsby is an American classic and a wonderfully evocative work. Like much of Fitzgerald’s prose, it is neat and well–crafted.

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What is the plot summary of the Great Gatsby?

The Great Gatsby Summary : The Full Plot. Our narrator, Nick Carraway , moves to the East Coast to work as a bond trader in Manhattan. He rents a small house in West Egg, a nouveau riche town in Long Island.

What is the relationship between Daisy and Tom in the Great Gatsby?

Throughout the novel, The Great Gatsby, it was evident that Tom and Daisy had an unstable relationship. Both Tom and Daisy come from wealthy backgrounds and the upper echelon of society. Tom is a small man hiding in a big hose with an equally large ego.

What is the Great Gatsby mainly about?

The Great Gatsby Study Guide. The Great Gatsby, published in 1925, is widely considered to be F. Scott Fitzergerald’s greatest novel. It is also considered a seminal work on the fallibility of the American dream. It focuses on a young man, Jay Gatsby , who, after falling in love with a woman from the social elite,…