
How long should I wait for her to reach out?

How long should I wait for her to reach out?

One of the universal rules in texting, especially when texting a potential love interest, is not to respond to texts immediately. When that girl you like texts you, don’t respond right away — give yourself some time to think about what you’re going to say back to her. Five minutes is generally a good waiting period.

Should I call her or wait for her call?

Unless you’re waiting for a specific reason, take control and call her. If she’s at work, in class, or otherwise potentially pre-occupied, send her a text first asking if she can chat, then reach out to her. But generally speaking as long as she’s not busy or engulfed with something else, then call her.

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What should I do when a girl calls to see me?

Even if your phone is in your hand wait a few rings to pick it up. Always assume she will want to get together when she calls so make plans by asking her when are you free I’d really like to see you. If she changes the topic get off the phone fast. Go on with your life.

What should I do when my ex-girlfriend calls me?

At this point you need to be doing a lot of getting back to her. Even if your phone is in your hand wait a few rings to pick it up. Always assume she will want to get together when she calls so make plans by asking her when are you free I’d really like to see you. If she changes the topic get off the phone fast. Go on with your life.

Should I let my relationship become text only?

Never let your relationship become text only. If she texts wait could be a hour or a day and be aloof again with answers. Drop in I would rather talk to you on the phone.

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Why doesn’t she text me all the time?

People have different communication styles. Text is not the best way to hold deep conversations or work out differences. It is fine for points of information, but little else. Maybe she knows this and prefers not to be texting all the time.