
How long until we can travel to another galaxy?

How long until we can travel to another galaxy?

In a new report published in Monthly Notices of the Royal Astronomical Society, researchers from Durham University theorize that our galaxy and its closest neighbor will run into one another in one billion to four billion years.

Is space travel ever possible?

Because of the vastness of those distances, practical interstellar travel based on known physics would need to occur at a high percentage of the speed of light; even so, travel times would be long, at least decades and perhaps millennia or longer.

Is intergalactic travel possible for humans?

When an object moves at the speed of light, Time Dilation takes place. This shortens the time needed to travel to another galaxy with respect to the traveler. This phenomenon gives hope to the scientists that intergalactic travel is possible for humans.

How long does it take to travel to another galaxy?

This shortens the time needed to travel to another galaxy with respect to the traveler. This phenomenon gives hope to the scientists that intergalactic travel is possible for humans. A common example that is quoted in this regard is that Andromeda Galaxy is 2 million light years away but it would take just 28 years for the astronaut.

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Is it possible to travel to a neighboring galaxy?

For example, different satellites are orbiting around planets like Neptune but no man has ever gone that far in the space. Science did discover that there are hundreds and thousands of other galaxies in the universe other than the Milky Way. Since that moment, an idea has circulated the scientific world which is to travel to a neighboring galaxy.

Will we ever be able to go to interstellar space?

There’s no law of physics that outright forbids it. But that doesn’t necessarily make it easy, and it certainly doesn’t mean we’ll achieve it in our lifetimes, let alone this century. Interstellar space travel is a real pain in the neck. If you’re sufficiently patient, then we’ve already achieved interstellar exploration status.