How many children did Deadpool have?

How many children did Deadpool have?

By the year 2099, Deadpool has as a second daughter, Warda. Warda’s mother is Shiklah, Deadpool’s current wife. Apparently, Deadpool and Shiklah have a falling out at some point and Shiklah goes missing. Warda really wants to know where her mother is, and so kidnapped Deadpool.

Is Deadpool daughter immortal?

Ellie resurrection Resurrective Immortality: Upon her death, Ellie’s body regenerates as a teenager, exactly the way she was when her powers first manifested. Ellie retains all of her memories in the process.

Did Deadpool and death have a daughter?

Marvel Comics just introduced Deathpool, the daughter of Deadpool and Death who will make their debut in Marvel Strike Force. Marvel just introduced a brand new character named Deathpool, the daughter of Deadpool and the living embodiment of Death.

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Who is Deadpool son?

Thomas Wilson (Earth-616)

Did Deadpool ever have a child?

History. Eleanor Camacho is the daughter of Deadpool and Carmelita Camacho. Eleanor was raised by Carmelita alone as Deadpool had abandoned Carmelita without knowing she was pregnant.

Who is Deadpool’s daughter Eleanor?

History Eleanor Camacho is the daughter of Deadpool and Carmelita Camacho. Eleanor was raised by Carmelita alone as Deadpool had abandoned Carmelita without knowing she was pregnant. Years later, Carmelita managed to track him down and asked for child support, but Deadpool refused to believe such a beautiful child could ever be his.

What happened to Deadpool’s daughter Carmelita?

Years later, Carmelita managed to track him down and asked for child support, but Deadpool refused to believe such a beautiful child could ever be his. Eleanor and Carmelita were kidnapped and brought to North Korea by the villain known as the Butler as an “insurance policy” because Deadpool had quit a program led by him.

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Why does Deadpool want to kill death?

In this comic, Deadpool actually does a 180 and actually attempts to find a way to kill Death. He does this because he meets his now-97-year-old daughter who is on the brink of death. He wants to kill Death to prevent her from dying, but as Deadpool’s daughter, she has a different plan.

What is Deadpool’s real name in Deadpool?

Deadpool, whose real name is Wade Winston Wilson, is a disfigured mercenary with the superhuman ability of an accelerated healing factor and physical prowess. The character is known as the “Merc with a Mouth” because of his tendency to talk and joke constantly, including breaking the fourth wall for humorous effect and running gags.