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How many different ways can the letters of the word EXAMINATION be arranged so that the vowels always come together?

How many different ways can the letters of the word EXAMINATION be arranged so that the vowels always come together?

Answer Expert Verified So required number of words will be 360 x 180 = 64,800.

How many words can be formed with the letters of the word EXAMINATION in how many of these the vowels will occupy odd places?

And similarly, we can arrange other letters (consonants) which will occupy even places by 4! as well, because there are 4 other letters except vowels and 4 even places. Hence, the total words of all these kinds can be given by 4! ×4!. Hence, the number of words where vowels occupy odd places are 576.

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How many vowel sounds are there in the word EXAMINATION?

6 vowles are there in word EXAMINATION………

How many ways Mississippi can be arranged?

∴ Hence the number of ways can the letters in ‘MISSISSIPPI’ be arranged is 34650.

How many ways Leader can be arranged?

The word is ‘LEADER’. The total number of ways = 6!/2! ∴ The total number of ways is 360.

How many words can be formed by the letters of word examination taken all together?

OF WAYS=1680+756+18=2454.

How many words can be formed out of the letters of the word article so that vowels occupy even places?

We can form 144 words with the letters of the word ARTICLE where vowels occupy the even places and consonants the odd places.

How many syllables are there in examination?

Wondering why examination is 5 syllables?

How many ways can be arranged if all consonants must be together?

The number of different arrangements is 24 or 4!

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How many letters of the word examination can be arranged in 11?

There are 11 letters in the word examination. Out of these there are 6 vowels (2 i’s, 2 a’s & e and o) and 5 consonants (2 n’s, 1 m, 1x and 1 t). Now, all the 11 letters of the word examination can be arranged in 11! 2! ∗ 2! ∗ 2! = 4989600.

How many examination papers can be arranged to make 9?

Total number of ways in which 9 examination papers can be arranged (with no restriction) = 9! No of ways in which the papers can be arranged so that the best and the worst come together = 2 * (8!)

How many vowels can never be together in a word examination?

So, the number of arrangements of the letters of the word examination such that the vowels will always be together is 360 ∗ 180 = 64800. Hence, the required number of arrangements such that the vowels can never be together is 4989600 − 64800 = 4924800.

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What is the number of ways in which the papers come together?

= 9! No of ways in which the papers can be arranged so that the best and the worst come together = 2 * (8!) So the no. of ways in which the papers can be arranged in such a way that the best and the worst never come together = Total number of ways – No of ways in which the papers can be arranged so that the best and the worst come together