
How many guns did a ship of the line have?

How many guns did a ship of the line have?

The 76.15 m × 21.22 m (249.8 ft × 69.6 ft) ship of the line was armed with 128 cannons on three decks and was manned by 1,280 sailors.

How were wooden ships repaired Sea?

If it was significant enough and the ship large enough (especially if there was damage below the waterline for whatever reason) then it would be taken into a dry dock. The water would be pumped out and the ship’s hull could be repaired directly. Smaller vessels could be repaired by beaching them.

How were ships repaired in the 1700s?

How does scuttling a ship work?

The deliberate act of sinking a ship by letting water flow into the hull takes major weapons and much-needed resources from your enemy, leaving them in a predicament. There are several ways that scuttling can be done. The enemy can open hatches or valves, rip holes in the hull using explosives or brute force, or by other means of sabotage.

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What was the name of the British ship that was scuttled?

British forces were entering Tobruk when San Giorgio was scuttled at 4:15 a.m. on January 22. The ship received the Gold Medal of Military Valor for her actions defending Tobruk.

What happened to the ships during the First World War?

Many of the ships (wreck pictured) were built to save on steel supplies during the First World War, with some of the ships only intended to make a single trip to Europe Some of the ships (wreck pictured) made it back and others were never used at all, leading to them being scuttled, burned and taken to Mallows Bay in 1925

Why were German ships scuttled at Scapa Flow?

More than 50 of the German High Seas Fleet warships were scuttled by their crews in 1919 at Scapa Flow during the deliverance of the fleet as part of the German surrender terms. Rear Admiral Ludwig von Reuter ordered the sinkings of the ships to keep the British from getting them.