Tips and tricks

How many hours should we play PUBG?

How many hours should we play PUBG?

Depends if you are a professional PUBG player then you have to play at least 10 to 12 hours a day. If you are playing casual then 2 hours should be sufficient (even for pushing league/rank.). Originally Answered: How much time you play PUBG in one day? On an average, I spend 30–40 minutes per day on PUBG.

How can I play PUBG without getting addicted?

How to Combat PUBG Addiction

  1. Step 1: Limit gaming. If your son is over 12 years old bring gaming down to two hours or less each day.
  2. Step 2: Find more activities. Here is a list of replacement activities.
  3. Step 3: Improve communication. Stop calling them an addict.

How do I stop PUBG 6 hours?

As the game banned in particular regions, the use of a VPN will help you to play the game. So, using of VPN to change the IP address will Avoid PUBG 6 Hour Limit. Connect the VPN and change it to the IP address of the regions where there is no ban.

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Why do people play PUBG for 2 hours a day?

Playing pubg for 2hours gives you a break from your regular stress and studies. It acts as a refreshment. But people basically cross this line. They tend to go above 4 hours 5 hours and sometimes the entire day playing pubg mobile. This leads to addiction. This gaming addiction causes serious health effects.

Is PUBG dangerous for your health?

The limited playing of pubg is safe but going on with the game and developing pubg addiction is dangerous for your health. Let’s begin with the several side effects of playing pubg mobile. Physically playing pubg does not cause such serious effects but mentally it devastates you. 1.

What are the negative effects ofpubg?

PUBG has been under scrutiny for being a violent game. Excessive violence can trigger aggressive thoughts, emotions and behaviour that ultimately affects the mental health of the player. 2. It leads to gaming addiction. Playing too much PUBG can make you less productive.

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Are you addicted to PUBG?

Those who are addicted to playing PUBG can get easily stressed out or face anxiety issues in public due to lack of social interaction. 6. It disrupts your sleep pattern. You should know that sitting in front of the computer screen for too long can make it hard for you to sleep even if you finally decide to call it day.