How many phones can one traveling to India from the USA carry?

How many phones can one traveling to India from the USA carry?

In most cases, you can easily carry two laptops or phones without any problem. But in case you decide to carry more than two, you will have to pay the tariffs and duties as applicable.

How can I bring iPhone from USA to India?

You can carry the new iPhone in your pocket but custom duty is required to be paid if the total value is greater than 10,000 Indian rupees. You can carry mobile but if you do not declare it on the customs form, you may have to pay a penalty if you are caught.

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Can I take iPhone from US to India?

You can carry the new iPhone in your pocket but custom duty is required to be paid if the total value is greater than 10,000 Indian rupees. You can carry mobile but if you do not declare it on the customs form, you may have to pay a penalty if you are caught. How much GST is charged on Imported Mobiles in India?

How many mobile phones can I bring to India without customs duty?

You can bring 2/3 Mobile Phones with you in your pocket, claiming that you use them and not for some other purpose. Usually, people are exempted from Customs duty when they bring at most 3 Mobiles claiming that they have different sims and is purely for personal use etc etc.

How many laptops do you bring to Mumbai airport?

A person i know brings 2 laptops 1 tablet and 2 mobile phones easily every 6 months from Mumbai intl airport. both phones are his own and laptop and tablet too. But that wont matter coz he never got questioned. keep both phones in pocket ,have the battery charged so you can turn them on if required or questioned.

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Can I take a cell phone through airport customs?

But if you are carrying the phone opened, and with you (in your pockets) then customs will let you take it without any duties or screening. Because, now it is personal use item. If you’re placing the phone in an un-opened box in your carry luggage or cabin baggage, the customs at Airport will mark your bag and will ask for explanations.

How many devices can you bring on a plane in India?

You can safely bring in up to 4 devices claiming it to be used but I say don’t take this for granted. Whether from US or anywhere else other than neighbouring countries the Free Baggage Allowance for an adult passenger while coming from abroad is Rs45000.