
How much internal resistance does an ideal current source have?

How much internal resistance does an ideal current source have?

The internal resistance of an ideal current source is infinite. An independent current source with zero current is identical to an ideal open circuit.

Does an ideal current source have infinite resistance?

Thus, if an ideal current source is a 12mA current source, the load will receive the entire 12mA, without any being lost. Unlike an ideal voltage source that has zero internal resistance, an ideal current source has infinite internal resistance; this allows it to act as a 100\% efficient source of current.

What is the resistance of ideal voltage source?

The internal resistance of an ideal voltage source is zero; it is able to supply or absorb any amount of current. The current through an ideal voltage source is completely determined by the external circuit.

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What is an ideal current source explain?

An ideal current source is a two terminal device which supplies constant current irrespective of load resistance. The value of current will be constant with respect to time and load resistance. This means that the power delivering capability is infinite for this source.

What is the ideal current source?

An ideal current source is by definition a two-terminal element with the property that the current flowing through the device is specified at every instant in time. This current does not depend on the voltage across the source.

What is ideal source?

An ideal source is a mathematical model of a thing that holds either voltage or current constant. It is not a resistor, so Ohm’s Law does not have to be true. A battery is an example of a real voltage source. Over a reasonable range of currents, the voltage of a battery does not change.

What is an ideal voltage and ideal current source?

By definition, an ideal voltage source is a two-terminal element with the property that the voltage across the terminals is specified at every instant in time. This voltage does not depend on the current through the source. That is, any current in any direction could possibly flow through the source.

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What is the difference between an ideal voltage current source and practical voltage current source?

The ideal current source is supposed to have infinite internal resistance, . Again it is not practically possible to make one. Practical Current Source has some internal resistance connected in parallel to Ideal Current Source. And some of the current flow through it and the amount of flow depends upon the load.

What are ideal and practical voltage and current source?

A voltage source is a two-terminal device whose voltage at any instant of time is constant and is independent of the current drawn from it. Such a voltage source is called an Ideal Voltage Source and have zero internal resistance. Sources having some amount of internal resistances are known as Practical Voltage Source.