How often do British people swear?

How often do British people swear?

14 times a day
Britons swear 14 times a day on average, according to a survey. Almost nine out of ten people in Britain utter expletives every day, while just eight per cent are offended by swearing “in an adult context”, it found.

Which UK city swears the most?

1. Glasgow. We can reveal the city that sweats the most online is the Scottish city of Glasgow. With 52,100 members and nearly 516,000 comments, r/Glasgow averages an impressive 109 swears per 1,000 comments.

What is Britain’s Favourite word?

A word which originated from an obscure Persian fairytale is now Britain’s favourite. Serendipity, according to the Encarta English dictionary, is a “natural gift for making discoveries quite by accident”.

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Is it illegal to swear in public UK?

He also notes that it is not illegal in the UK to swear in public, per se – rather, it is illegal to cause alarm, distress, or harassment using threatening, abusive, or insulting language.

Why do some people like swearing in public?

Swearing adds a nice pinch of spice to any conversation, as long as you have a good vocabulary. If a monosyllabic idiot swears it’s uncouth, but a highly educated person surprising you with a filthy mouth is always welcome. Their society is less conservative.

Why do some people swear in a conversation?

People try to be Uber polite and it makes forming business and personal relationships difficult, so swearing breaks the ice and relieves any social tension. Swearing adds a nice pinch of spice to any conversation, as long as you have a good vocabulary.

Do Brits and Americans swear like strangers?

They may share a language, but Brits and Americans swear like strangers. A new book explores the risks of transatlantic banter – and the classic curse that always translates. Warning: This article contains very strong language that may offend some readers.

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How has Swearing Frequency changed over the years?

‘I think swearing frequency has remained stable over the years. It’s typically the teenagers who swear most frequently – once they grow up, they swear less.’ Cursing has its advantages, he said. ‘It allows us to let off steam in a more or less acceptable way. It’s better to swear than to hit something or somebody in anger.